Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living
By H.W. Long, M.D.
Copyright 1919
Chapter IV
The Sex Organs
...Here, then, is a brief description of the sex organs in man and woman. At first, on ly the names of the parts will be given, with such slight comments and explanations as are necessary for making this part of the subject clear. A detailed setting forth of the functions and proper exercise of these organs will be given later.
The sex organs in a male human being consist, broadly speaking, of the pinis and the testicles. All thise are located at the base of the abdomen, between the thighs and on the forward part of the body. The pinis is a fleshy, muscular organ, filled with most sensitive nerves, and b lood vessels that are capable of extension to a much greater degree thatn any of their similars in other parts of the body. In a quiescent, or unexcited condition, in the average amn, this organ is from three to four inches long and about an inch or more in diameter.
It hangs limp and pendant in this state, retired and in evidence not at all. In its excited, or tumescent condition (the word tumescent means swelled, and is the technical word for describing the erect condition of the penis) it becomes enlarged and rigid, its size in this state being, on the average, six or seven inches long, and from an inch-and-a-half to two inches in diameter. It is almost perfectly cylindrical, slightly thicker at the base than at its forward part.
The testicles are two kidney shaped glands, not far from the size of a large hickory nut, and are contained in a sort of sack, or pocket, called the scrotum, which is made for their comfortable and safe carrying. The scrotum hangs directly between the thights, at the base of the penis, and in it are the testicles, suspended by vital cords that are suspended from the body above. The left testicle hangs a little lower in the sack than the right, so that, in case the thighs are crowded together one testicle will slip over the other, and so the danger of crushing them will be avoided. This is one of the many ways which the Maker of the human body has devised to insure the proper preservation of the vital organs from harm, a fact which should inspire all human beings with profound reverence for this most wonderful of all life forms, the beautiful human body, the "temple of the Holy Spirit."
The part of the body upon which the sex organs, male and female, are located is known as the pubic region. It is covered with hair, which, in both sexes, extends well up the lower belly. This is known as pubic hair. This hair is usually more or less curly, and froms a covering an inch or more in depth over the whole pubic region, extending back between the thighs slightly beyond the rectum. In occasional cases this hair is straight and silky, and sometimes grows to great length, instances being known, in some women, where it has extended to the knees. A well-grown and abundanct supply of fine pubic hair is a possesion highly prized by women, of chich they are justly proud, though few of them would acknowledge the fact, even to themselves. None the less it is a fact.
By H.W. Long, M.D.
Copyright 1919
Chapter IV
The Sex Organs
...Here, then, is a brief description of the sex organs in man and woman. At first, on ly the names of the parts will be given, with such slight comments and explanations as are necessary for making this part of the subject clear. A detailed setting forth of the functions and proper exercise of these organs will be given later.
The sex organs in a male human being consist, broadly speaking, of the pinis and the testicles. All thise are located at the base of the abdomen, between the thighs and on the forward part of the body. The pinis is a fleshy, muscular organ, filled with most sensitive nerves, and b lood vessels that are capable of extension to a much greater degree thatn any of their similars in other parts of the body. In a quiescent, or unexcited condition, in the average amn, this organ is from three to four inches long and about an inch or more in diameter.
It hangs limp and pendant in this state, retired and in evidence not at all. In its excited, or tumescent condition (the word tumescent means swelled, and is the technical word for describing the erect condition of the penis) it becomes enlarged and rigid, its size in this state being, on the average, six or seven inches long, and from an inch-and-a-half to two inches in diameter. It is almost perfectly cylindrical, slightly thicker at the base than at its forward part.
The testicles are two kidney shaped glands, not far from the size of a large hickory nut, and are contained in a sort of sack, or pocket, called the scrotum, which is made for their comfortable and safe carrying. The scrotum hangs directly between the thights, at the base of the penis, and in it are the testicles, suspended by vital cords that are suspended from the body above. The left testicle hangs a little lower in the sack than the right, so that, in case the thighs are crowded together one testicle will slip over the other, and so the danger of crushing them will be avoided. This is one of the many ways which the Maker of the human body has devised to insure the proper preservation of the vital organs from harm, a fact which should inspire all human beings with profound reverence for this most wonderful of all life forms, the beautiful human body, the "temple of the Holy Spirit."
The part of the body upon which the sex organs, male and female, are located is known as the pubic region. It is covered with hair, which, in both sexes, extends well up the lower belly. This is known as pubic hair. This hair is usually more or less curly, and froms a covering an inch or more in depth over the whole pubic region, extending back between the thighs slightly beyond the rectum. In occasional cases this hair is straight and silky, and sometimes grows to great length, instances being known, in some women, where it has extended to the knees. A well-grown and abundanct supply of fine pubic hair is a possesion highly prized by women, of chich they are justly proud, though few of them would acknowledge the fact, even to themselves. None the less it is a fact.
that is the greatest thing i have read all day.