So, yep, I'm barely legal now. Shh, don't tell. I guess I should revert my bday on this here account
Sunday night was prom followed by partypartyparty. I got my hair cut Saturday night. We took the ferry into the city with a group of friends and then walked to the Masonic and stopped at the Metreon and the Mandarin (for the view) on the way. Some pics of me 'n the girlfriend:
After dancing a li'l while;

Sunday night was prom followed by partypartyparty. I got my hair cut Saturday night. We took the ferry into the city with a group of friends and then walked to the Masonic and stopped at the Metreon and the Mandarin (for the view) on the way. Some pics of me 'n the girlfriend:

After dancing a li'l while;


Kawaii ne! Nice pictures.... so I might get to go to Japan this summer... didn't think it was gonna happen, but an internship came up outta nowhere, I find out tomorrow whether or not I will get it.... Enjoy the last shards of high school!

Do you ever update? I'm in Japan now yo!