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Last night was such a blast. A blast from the past, that is. And fun, too.
My friend Bryan's 18th is today, so last night of course we did the "when we were Sophomores in high school" thing, before he became "all growed up." We went to BATS Improv in the city (we were so mature Sophomore year, going to improv shows every other Friday night in the city... bahah). Then we went to our local arcade, Starbase 1, and played Dance Dance Revolution (look, there's NOTHING to do in Marin). Sadly, we played a total of one game of it and then the lady who rents upstairs called down (just like old times!!) and told the arcade manager that it was too late (10:30?) and to shut off the DDR. We finished our one game and left as he closed up... so weird remembering when it was "be home by 11!" so it didn't matter anyway that they closed at 10:30. After that we were a little disheartened, and started driving around Marin. Finally we called up my friend Deja and yelled "WHERE DA PARTY AT?" into the phone.. turned out the party was at my friend Emily's house, so we went over there and drank... Earl Grey. We hung out until midnight, and then we sang Bryan happy birthday and all 10 of us piled into my minivan (the pimpmobile) and went down to 7-11 where Bryan proceeded to purchase a pack of Cloves, just because he could. Sadly, they didn't have any porn that satisfied us, so none was purchased.
Tonight is his real birthday soiree... Chinese food followed by Kung Fu Hustle and then drunken debauchery at another friend's house. This is me being unable to wait.
Last night was such a blast. A blast from the past, that is. And fun, too.
My friend Bryan's 18th is today, so last night of course we did the "when we were Sophomores in high school" thing, before he became "all growed up." We went to BATS Improv in the city (we were so mature Sophomore year, going to improv shows every other Friday night in the city... bahah). Then we went to our local arcade, Starbase 1, and played Dance Dance Revolution (look, there's NOTHING to do in Marin). Sadly, we played a total of one game of it and then the lady who rents upstairs called down (just like old times!!) and told the arcade manager that it was too late (10:30?) and to shut off the DDR. We finished our one game and left as he closed up... so weird remembering when it was "be home by 11!" so it didn't matter anyway that they closed at 10:30. After that we were a little disheartened, and started driving around Marin. Finally we called up my friend Deja and yelled "WHERE DA PARTY AT?" into the phone.. turned out the party was at my friend Emily's house, so we went over there and drank... Earl Grey. We hung out until midnight, and then we sang Bryan happy birthday and all 10 of us piled into my minivan (the pimpmobile) and went down to 7-11 where Bryan proceeded to purchase a pack of Cloves, just because he could. Sadly, they didn't have any porn that satisfied us, so none was purchased.
Tonight is his real birthday soiree... Chinese food followed by Kung Fu Hustle and then drunken debauchery at another friend's house. This is me being unable to wait.

But really, I think it's far better than Marin. It's a very alternative community (for the most part), and it's not old wealthy Republicans. So there you go, improvement!
I really do love Santa Cruz, but a lot of people you will talk to think it's crap. You'll just have to see how you like it. . . But welcome, nonetheless.
What are you planning to study?