So, a while back, I had this sudden urge to write song lyrics, not even knowing what the tune was going to sound like. About a week later, I wrote lyrics for a second song. When I first produced them, they felt like a fire that burst inside me that I had to get out of me. I’ve had a few creative bursts like this before (I’ve been a Game Master for D&D and I wrote some great pieces in school, one of which was used as an example for other classes), but this is new.
Today, I’ll be collaborating with a friend who has decent music software to transform my first set of lyrics from a poem into an actual song. I’ve found that self-doubt has creeped into my soul, as it often does, sadly. The weak part of me hopes that my friend will cancel as I had to for health reasons last week (I was bed-ridden from sleep-deprivation).
I know I’ve got a bunch of creative people that follow me. Tell me, what do you do to combat these feelings when you’re trying to complete a work of art?