Ive had the same nightmare twice in the last 4 days and it is one of the most terrifying Ive ever had.. Usually I see things like this while I am awake, and dont really dream them, but I do dream sometimes and the nightmares are always horrible
I get severe migraines and they cause a lot of problems, but usually I can feel them coming on and if I take something early enough then they dont come.. This is how the nightmare starts.. I can feel a migraine coming on, but I am in an empty room.. There is no furniture, no nothing, and I have no pills to take, and so the migraine comes and it hits me like a fucking freight train..
It hurts more than anything I have ever felt, more than any other migraine I have ever had, more than any words I know could describe.. I fall to my knees and ever muscle in my body tightens.. I can feel sweat dripping from my face and I am crying.. The pain spreads slowly from my head until my body is completely numb.. My whole body is trembling and suddenly it is as though I have no control whatsoever..
I can feel that something horrible is coming and so I close my eyes because I dont want to see it... I clench my teeth and I pray, actually pray, to be anywhere else to be anyone else at this moment.. Suddenly I can see myself, as if I have become an observer in the room.. I can see myself kneeling on the floor, trembling, sweating, slowly rocking back and forth, crying and I see my arms slowly moving up, shaking terribly as if I were fighting with every ounce of my strength to hold them down, but cant..
Without warning, I can feel everything again and a sharp pain affects my entire body.. I see myself scream, but there is no sound.. I cant move at all all I can do is watch myself as my arms move up, until my hands reach my face.. I see my hands claw at my eyes, squeezed shut tight, until finally I see blood.. I watch myself screaming harder and louder than I could ever imagine, and yet there is still no sound.. I can feel every second of pain I can see my fingers move into my head and the blood pour out I have to watch myself rip out my own eyes, and I cant do anything to stop it.. Then there is nothing but blood all I see if blood before I wake up
I think I know what this nightmare means but I dont want to explain it right now.. Writing this out and thinking about it again has been enough I feel sick
Ive been pretty open about everything here so, what do you think it means?
I get severe migraines and they cause a lot of problems, but usually I can feel them coming on and if I take something early enough then they dont come.. This is how the nightmare starts.. I can feel a migraine coming on, but I am in an empty room.. There is no furniture, no nothing, and I have no pills to take, and so the migraine comes and it hits me like a fucking freight train..
It hurts more than anything I have ever felt, more than any other migraine I have ever had, more than any words I know could describe.. I fall to my knees and ever muscle in my body tightens.. I can feel sweat dripping from my face and I am crying.. The pain spreads slowly from my head until my body is completely numb.. My whole body is trembling and suddenly it is as though I have no control whatsoever..
I can feel that something horrible is coming and so I close my eyes because I dont want to see it... I clench my teeth and I pray, actually pray, to be anywhere else to be anyone else at this moment.. Suddenly I can see myself, as if I have become an observer in the room.. I can see myself kneeling on the floor, trembling, sweating, slowly rocking back and forth, crying and I see my arms slowly moving up, shaking terribly as if I were fighting with every ounce of my strength to hold them down, but cant..
Without warning, I can feel everything again and a sharp pain affects my entire body.. I see myself scream, but there is no sound.. I cant move at all all I can do is watch myself as my arms move up, until my hands reach my face.. I see my hands claw at my eyes, squeezed shut tight, until finally I see blood.. I watch myself screaming harder and louder than I could ever imagine, and yet there is still no sound.. I can feel every second of pain I can see my fingers move into my head and the blood pour out I have to watch myself rip out my own eyes, and I cant do anything to stop it.. Then there is nothing but blood all I see if blood before I wake up
I think I know what this nightmare means but I dont want to explain it right now.. Writing this out and thinking about it again has been enough I feel sick

Ive been pretty open about everything here so, what do you think it means?
Next time you have that terrible nightmare, I want you to imagine Nightcrawler shows up and teleports you out of there, to safety. And then when the pain trys to get you, you and Nightcrawler kick it's ass.