found a cool Harley (72 Iron Head Sporty) in my price range today. it was posted on a bulletin board at a bike shop in oly. unfortunatly i seem to have written the number down wrong. i'll have to go back and get the number tomorrow...... with my luck someone else will buy it tomorrow morning.
well, today was probably the most productive day i've had since i came home..... my Mom's fiance and i went and got a bunch of rifle ammo (we both have an SKS and AR-15) and went shopping for a Harley (He's knows them a lot better than i do). found a nice 87 Sporty at the dealership, but they want TWICE THE BLUE BOOK VALUE...
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thank you!
its nice to see the designers had your safety at heart when they designed it, unless the "ejection system" is the same kind of ejection system employed by the Geo Metro, known as a "Force of Impact" ejection seat.

maybe Volvo should design all of our APCs in the future.
cool pic - hope the head heels soon
guns are cool...... since i got home i've bought 2 new guns. my life would be so boring without guns and cars! i got myself a 20 guage bouble barrel and an AR-15 flat top with a scope. i'm still looking for stuff i really don't need to spend my money on, like a Harley. found ads for 2 that i liked and were in...
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guns and cars? what about women? most men can't live with out women also wink
It's great that you're buying guns and looking into other things to buy, I'm sure you worked hard for that money. But just a little suggestion; set a limit to reward yourself with and then invest the rest of your 'Iraq' money.
damn, it's good to be home! i even managed to work it out so i'll be home for thanksgiving.
well, i'm headed home soon! tomorrow i'll finish all this stuff at walter reed, and take my 30 days leave. unfortunately, after that i have to come back here.... hopefully then i'll be healed up enough to return to duty.
gettin' tired of walter reed here..... fortunatly i should be headed home in a few days, mabye even tomorrow.

Right now I'm at camp falcon/ferrin-huggins. Been here since last march. I apart of 1st cav. Been lucky since being here. Not too much shit and we still have everyone. really all that matters to me. We where told we being going home in march but since I dont think jan will go well. I fig june. fuck it. So how bad did you hit your head? Anyway go home and have fun and get sluppy drunk for us.
well, i got to go check out D.C. today.... it was pretty cool, though i wish i had known better than to check it out on a weekend...... i just wanted to see the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam memorials, and the Museum of the American Indians.... jeez, though..... i could barely take two steps without someone trying to hand me a flyer or get me...
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OK, now I'm really worried about you! Are you saying I'm CUTE?

Just fucking with you. wink

It sounds like you're recovering at Walter Reed, but I see that you're from WA. Have you looked into the chance of rehab at an installation closer to home such as Madigan? Maybe you don't really want to go home anyway, D.C. would be an awesome place to be right now.
still at walter reed..... this place ain't bad at all, though. i'm an outpatienat, which means i get to stay in a hotel and go to my appointments on my own. they have had me take a lot of tests, though..... some of them don't make much sense. i keep expecting a steographer to jump on her chair and yell, "SNAKES!" when there's no snake,...
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welll, i'm back in the states now, at Walter Reed Medical Center in DC. before long i should be going home. having a busted melon sucks ASS!
fast healing dude. sorry about your melon.
well, I've finally had something actually HAPPEN! now i wish i didn't.... I've found the scariest words in the english language: "I have some bad news for you..... you fractured your skull." i'm sure there are scarier, actually, but these are the scariest i've heard!

it started last friday, with a simple mission in Iraq, an IO patrol and to be followed by a presence...
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Wish a speedy recovery - does this mean you get a purple heart?
well, things have been pretty quiet around here for the last few days. we went on an urban patrol a few nights ago, which went really smoothly..... we didn't get any contact. the next few days were pretty uneventful then today i went on a trip to a different camp to go to the PX and around the same time 4 car bombs were set...
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keep your head down and your powder dry dude.

I'm holding the SG Military Group for the time being (while levezletoi is gone). I went ahead and approved you--sorry about the delay/confusion.

Keep your head low, by the way. wink