I got a new sexy camera phone. And got a damn good deal on it too. This guy that I met on the bus ride back here from when I went to Edmonton two weeks ago totally hooked me up. Yay! I love people who hook me up with special deals and discounts from their work places. I also applied for Theatre History this morning. I'm actually looking forward to going to school. I havn't looked forward to it for such a long time. It's on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and although I could work after class I'm going to take those days off, and work the four others. I get to work in the lounge on Sunday. That should be awesome. NO GOD SQUAD.
I freakin HATE sundays but working in the lounge should be totally better than the restaurant, also more coin! Money for meeee.
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Hey, we got in some of the second sandman collection in today, if you want I could probably come up with some way to get you one for kinda cheap and ship it up to you if you like
Just let me know anything on your shopping list and I can see what I can do to make sure we got one in stock