I don't think I say it enough. I HATE working Sundays. I HATE the god squad! Other than that, this weekend I ate A LOT of good food. We had family from Toronto visiting, and my mom cooked up a storm. She made this blueberry cheesecake that oh soo delecious. Drank a lot of decent wine too. I started reading Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet. It's a pretty good read! Three more days of work to go. T'ill vacation weeeeeeeeee!

Most of the time we have a full run of sandman (and all the affiliated stuff with it, like death:the high cost of living, and the like) If you tell me which volumes you need, and if you want hard of soft cover, and when youd probably be able to be by to pick them up, I can always squirrel them away so someone else doesnt buy them before you... (We also got a whole bunch of Invader Zim stuff that you can normally only get in the states)
From time to time I can also swing getting a little bit of a discount for people I know