Saturday nights Zimathon was alright. Stayed up t'ill 4 in the morning. Not that many people came but I don't care, that's not what it was about. My two all fave Invader Zim episodes, are from season 1 disk 2. The first being where Zim sends pigs into the past to mess up Dib's life, and the second where Gir's brain gets into the house;best part of the episode where he goes and gets a buriton and can't find his mouth. "where's my mouth?!, Where's my mouth?!" Such joy, for something to silly,
Last night I had supper with dire_romatic nice to catch up with old friends.
Saturday I picked up my stuff from my ex boyfriend's place. He said he was sorry he didn't give me more attention. He looked really torn.
Everything will work out like it suppose to, it just REALLY Sucks right now.
[But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had
Oh and I was serving in the lounge today. I served this big table full of Italians who were watching World Cup Soccer. And WOW are they ever passionate about their sport. There was a grown man with tears in his eyes, after they had won. They made it exciting that's for sure.

Saturday I picked up my stuff from my ex boyfriend's place. He said he was sorry he didn't give me more attention. He looked really torn.

[But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had
Oh and I was serving in the lounge today. I served this big table full of Italians who were watching World Cup Soccer. And WOW are they ever passionate about their sport. There was a grown man with tears in his eyes, after they had won. They made it exciting that's for sure.
Ya that outside deck is one good part about Globe. The bad part is its closed in the winter and there is no air conditioning. I remember being there in the winter...I opened the window up and stuck my head out panting from the heat. Its brutal.
I'm not 100% sure which books to reccomend, I think the easiest ones that come to mind are Transmetropolitain, and Y the last man. I think Ive only ever met one person who didnt like those, and thats pretty much just because that person sucks.