So last night I watched SuperMan Returns, and I must say that I liked it muchly. There was this part where the cinematography was absolutley stunning; after he gets his ass kicked by the kriptonite and he goes and recharge by sunlight.
Such Love for that part. I thought that Brandon Routh as Superman really worked, his Clark Kent was even better. Oh and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor was brilliant, so quirky but evil all at the same time. The ONLY thing though was Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. In my opinion that was just terrible casting. It's like they just picked one of the new young "it" hollywood women of now and gave her the part. A puppet with boobs would have been just as good. Lois Lane is suppose to be so much more than she portrayed her. Lots of people that I worked with thought there was not enough violence and action, but Supreman is not about killing people and why he is such a good super hero is because of his humanity.
One of the guys I work with and I are having a Zim marathon on Friday night; actually there will be more people from work whoever wanders by considering there will, more than likely, be booze involved. We have been talking about a Zim marathon since Christmas, it's unfortunate you can't order sushi like pizza because that would be awesome. Like Playstation and Cheesecake! (but only freakpirate and Mr_David ) know the story of that one

One of the guys I work with and I are having a Zim marathon on Friday night; actually there will be more people from work whoever wanders by considering there will, more than likely, be booze involved. We have been talking about a Zim marathon since Christmas, it's unfortunate you can't order sushi like pizza because that would be awesome. Like Playstation and Cheesecake! (but only freakpirate and Mr_David ) know the story of that one
It is so rare to have Hollywood think like that though, several other remakes have to have the directors personal touch on them. Some remakes are completely pointless, Charlie and the Chocholate Factory for example.
alrighty, i'm leaving you close to 8 or 9