Well...lets see. 15 days t'ill christmas. Yesterday work was very busy and people were terrible tippers. The kitchen guys was screwed...and they were singing Aqua at the top of their lungs. Tomorow, I have a day off, and I will be studying some theatre history, and putting a last minute essay together. Do I ever HATE writing essays.
Yesterday I lost my cell phone....or it got stolen. Either way this losing high priced items stuff is so very uncool.

Yesterday I lost my cell phone....or it got stolen. Either way this losing high priced items stuff is so very uncool.

just don't loose your Ipod again..that would really suck.

I remember when I lost my cell, it was one of those piece of shit basic models, but it worked so well- and then I had to buy one of the fancier models to replace it and the hunk of junk wouldnt work inside rez at school. As soon as my contract was up I smashed thast filthy motherfucker with a hammer. But yeah, losing expensive stuff blows. a LOT