I have a new Ipod! Huzzah! It's all small, black and sexy and stuff. However I still think my mini ipod was better, but that's probably all the sentimental attachment I had to it. I've been feeling better too, I thought I was just really bummed but I went to the doctors last week and it turns out I had a sinus infection and my they gave me some kind of steroid drug for my lungs because my asthma was kicking my ass...so not getting enough air was totally draining me. So I still don't have a life, however I feel a bit more optimistic about the lack of it. I think I will be returning to Edmonton in the Fall and taking the Hollistic Practioner program at Grant Mcewan. I look forward to becoming a professional hippy. So untill then I guess I will have to work and save...I'm terrible at saving money but maybe now that I have a goal it will be easier. Just as long as I don't get a credit card any time soon things should be good.

And yay for iPods, truly they are the golden age of humanity!