My ears are still ringing! What a Freakin AWESOME concert!!! LIke Mr_David would say, Awesome Squared. I was right in the front. It was totally worth being creeped on by one of my drunk friends. Oh and I also saw Grael. Who needs a new profile picture because the one he was is WAY too blurry. The next day I went to see Broken Social Scene at Reds. I think it would have been better if I would have saw Broken Social Scene before NIN. Sooo many scenester kids at Reds. It was insane. When I was in Edmonton I wanted to get an Idustrial, but it doesn't work for how my ear is shapped or something, so I got my rook peirced instead. Ate a lot of funky pickle pizza while I was in the city. Spent a lot at Warp 1 on comics and stuff. But still as Invincible pointed out; "It's cheaper than crystal Meth." I WANT another tattoo!!!! Um, I might be going to Toronto for five days in Febuary. That would be pretty rad! Get to see FreakPirate, and of course spend a lot of money. I'm so very good at spending, wish I was a bit better at saving. Work was okay, worked in the lounge. Which is SOOO much better than the restaurant on a SUnday. God Squad Free is Good For Me!

A new visual representation of myself will be up real soon now... after I get back from Regina/Estevan. (save me!