I have had this cold for like a good two weeks now. It's totally kicking my ass. In other news, nothing much has been happening. Didn't go out the weekend, only leads to drunken dissapointment in this town anyway. Did find a nice dress for the holidays. It's actually a top and a skirt, but very cute. Don't know where I will wear it out too, but it will be done. I'm attending a two day Reiki seminar this weekend. It could be boring as hell, but at least it will be educational. Next weekend I'm getting out of town for a few days. I work with a guy who is the same age as me who has gone to prison. Actually, it was interesting to ask him about it....yup that's the kind of town I live in....I have to go talking to people who have gone to prison to be actually interested in what they have to say. Most of the talk that goes on in the kitchen is Porn and online Final Fantasy, when I serve don't really have time to bull shit. I miss my Edmonton Friends.

Why did you move back up there again?
We miss you too short-stuff. Is a return to the city in the cards? With the short-staffages down here a job would be fairly easy to get a hold of...