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- I want to go South Harmon Institute of Technology
- School starts tomorow, boo upgrading
- I wrote an e-mail to Chritopher Moore. And I got a reply rather quickly, FreakPirate is testing out if it's just the same generic e-mail he sends to everyone
- Next tuesday I'm going to the radio station for a tour to see how things work and the oppurtunity to ask as...
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No! Seriously! That was all me.

I know... that shit backfired like crazy. Hopefully this suit won't make me look like such a knob.

And Breathe. A day off, finally, and on a beautiful early September day. Lovely. The new job is alright. Less people to deal with. The only thing though is that it's been quite warm here the last few days, and the air conditioner in the restaurant is broken. So it's like a sauna in there. You sweat just by standing at the computer punching things...
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He's still shorter than me but he outweighs me by about twenty pounds.

interesting choice.
easily could apply to making porno's too. ha!
easily could apply to making porno's too. ha!
I had a GREAT vacation. I havn't laughed as much in the whole entire year that I have in the past few day when I was away. I saw some Fantastic very funny original plays. The best of them being The Overnight. It was so genuinely funny and sincere that I totally fell in love with it. Oh, and I was at Die-Nasty, I was...
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You know I'm foxy.
I've seen you staring at my butt. That's right. I KNOW!

I've seen you staring at my butt. That's right. I KNOW!

heat that book eh?
it is a good list.
working through "the plucker" right now
so good.
also, that profile shot? lovely.

it is a good list.
working through "the plucker" right now
so good.
also, that profile shot? lovely.

So, I got completley wasted on friday night. God, it was horrible. I drank too much way too fast at Boston Pizza, and when we got to Cowboys all I did was puke in the bathroom sink. Apparently when I finnally got outside, I was sitting my back to the building and my friend was sitting next to me. This guy who was next to...
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To be entirely fair... your dad could really fuck someone up if he wanted to. I'm scared of him.

I don't think your dad would actually hurt anyone unless he really had to. I'm just saying he COULD. He's a big man.

So all in all, InterPlay went quite well. Yesterday I got to see two more shows. Both of them being two original totally different kind of puppet shows. The kids show was a black light kind of puppet show; the kids were all quiet and completley riveted during the whole entire performance. The adult puppet show was just funny. So now that I'm done rehearsals...
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umm... you would be naked on the internet.
I'm fairly sure that makes you instantly awesome... try it and let me know.
I'm fairly sure that makes you instantly awesome... try it and let me know.
howdy, I will be in edmonton during the fringe. I actually ive up here in summer and live in Calgary for the rest of the year (for school). Unfortunatly I don't know if I'll even have time to visit the old Festival due to work schedules

So the play For Whom The Southern Belle Tolls, is going quite well. It was a pretty stressfull past week with the last rehearsal runs and working, but now I got that out of the way with no work tomorow, and just two more preformances at 4 and 8. But with that being said; I've got to say that it's probably the most stress free...
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Bah... quitter. Some of us can maintain emo for an entire week in a row.
Tomorrow... sushi, movies, heavy drinking? I'm done around 6 and could probably pick you up. I need a fucking break.

I just finished watchin V For Vendetta. What a great movie! I bet the graphic novels are even more superb. I think I will get them when I go to Edmonton in a few weeks. Also I am sooo buying that movie! Um, nothing much going on. The other morning I woke up stressed out, thinking about the play, and work, and about how I...
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V for Vendetta the movie is a bunch more enjoyable if you haven't read the graphic novel- but theres enough stuff different in it that you can read it after the movie and still have some pleasant surprises.
was quite a good movie, but yes manchester is right, comics are quite a bit different, just a warning.
I got dumped on MSN last night! Oh technology! Pretty ridiculous isn't it? It's just as well though, he was playing this sick mind game with me, that he thought I was involved with someone else, or wanted to get involved with someone else. When someone is like that it kinda gnaws at you, you kinda get paranoid. Because you
don't know where it stemmed...
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don't know where it stemmed...
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sounds like dude was a loser and did you a favour!
I think it's just telling of a persons character if they'd dump you over MSN. for all the cliche attatched to saying it, I think you're probably better off.
The other night I had a bizzare dream about these two clowns that resembled IT. They were stealing all the sweets from houses. LIke all the ice cream, sugar, brown sugar, cake mix, and stuff like that. People were to leave all the stuff out on their counter before they came or they would feel their wrath. And well if you have ever watched IT,...
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hehe your cute
the wine must pour poor pour poor!
That book was fucking disgusting! It's page after page of subtle innuendo. I collected the ashes in a bag, wondering if I'll regret burning Jane Austen's name. I know I won't, but it's all in good fun.
Message me and let me know what's really going on in life. None of that "people may be peeping what the fuck is going on" bullshit.
That book was fucking disgusting! It's page after page of subtle innuendo. I collected the ashes in a bag, wondering if I'll regret burning Jane Austen's name. I know I won't, but it's all in good fun.
Message me and let me know what's really going on in life. None of that "people may be peeping what the fuck is going on" bullshit.
Is it January yet?