I have heard it said that New York is the city of cities.
Sadly, I would not be able to tell.
Nor would I care. Cities are for visiting, not living in.
Which said, I have suggested that SG is close to being a city.
But I only visit; I don't live here.
Sadly, I would not be able to tell.
Nor would I care. Cities are for visiting, not living in.
Which said, I have suggested that SG is close to being a city.
But I only visit; I don't live here.
Scientific Fundamentalism: similar to Robert Anton Wilson's Fundamental Materialism. Basically, the idea that only those things which can be explained and demonstrated by scientific method are worthwhile, while everything else must be in some state of error. I find it as intolerable as religious fundamentalism--Christian or otherwise--but I have an easier time dismissing the Christians than the scientists since I am more involved with the latter. Please do not get me wrong; I am a big fan of science, and as RAW said about Fundamental Materialism, I am opposed the _fundamentalism_, not the _science_, of what I have termed Scientific Fundamentalism.
I have always enjoyed New York City (watched _Breakfast at Tiffany's_ in Central Park, fun stuff like that), but like you, I have never lived there.