you never really know for a fact who your true friends really are. i have learned that the hard way in recent weeks/months. it amazes me how many different scenarios have led to the very same occurance over and over again. people come and go as if they were never even there to begin with. it really hurts to know this truth for a fact....
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i will tell you, most girls suck. at least at this age they do. i've learned the same lesson you've learned over and over again: you can only trust yourself. but i do promise you, there are real ones out there. you just have to sift through the assholes to find them.
also- i'm sorry that school sucks. usually the first couple of years do. wink
How you been man? Not so good? I hope I was one of the saving factors for SBU haha. Hope you find something better for you soon ~

looks like there will be a drastic change of plans in regards to my future and college life. i recently recieved my grades for the first semester at bonaventure and go figure i get a 1.6. i quickly decided to drop out of that school entirely and enroll in community college. i dont mind this at all cause im saving money, living at home and...
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I remember when I lft school it was a big hassle...running around siging all these forms and on top of that having to pack my car up.....

Happy early birthday!! I remember when I turned 19....nothing really exciting happened....
Happy Birthday! you are lucky you get to do your partying on the weekend! do it up right biggrin

so my first semester at college ended friday and i'll be leaving for home this thursday when i finish my exams. i really can't wait to get back to jersey and live my life again. i've been looking at colleges to transfer to, and the options right now are temple in philly, st. john's in queens, hofstra, monmouth and maybe a couple more. to be...
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take a deep breath kid, because it's OVER! (for me too).
you should transfer to the midwest. WINK. but seriously- my freshman year in college sucked so bad i almost moved to the coast and/or dropped out. but it gets better. really.
good luck mister.
hope everything turns out ok.
