My set goes into MR on the 13th, which is pretty freakin' soon. Three days later is my 25th birthday, which is unrelated.. but super exciting.
I took the time today to check out the queue and it got me super nervous. Although i frequently post pictures and updates.. this is a whole different ball game. Looking back at my set, I feel like I held back quite a bit. Self doubt has always been my worst enemy. Being my own biggest critic, what i could have done differently, or better, is racing through my head. I can't wait to shoot again and improve. I'm excited but still worried of what you all will think of it. Time will tell I suppose, till then i'll just be silently freaking out.
also here are a couple selfies for the road.
No make-up except for eyeliner.
and really shitty quality, but my hair looks pretty good.