I've finished for the weekend now. Thank fuck for that. Crazy guy at work is really beginning to drive me up the wall. I am so sick of him sat there staring at me and what I'm doing, more than likely reading my personal messages etc. Um, have you never heard of PERSONAL FUCKING SPACE??
It must be oh so wonderful to not have enough work to do that you have to sit and stare at someone else every 5 bloody minutes
♥ I have my own group now!!! Way to go SG for NOT actually telling me that it had been approved and that it's been up and running since March 6th!!!
Anyway, if you're a contractor or a temporary worker, go here
♥ I'm still ever hopeful of getting back to Manchester next month. I should be in for a wild ride if I do
What is that saying? Oh yeah, sex, drugs and rock & roll
That is of course, if a) I'm ever told when the kids will be going to Cornwall and date of return and b) the trains down this neck of the woods are running properly again after all the flooding we've had. Train tickets are still very cheap and the apartment building I stayed in for my birthday is still available for the dates I'm looking at. But even if I don't make it up there, then there is the distinct possibility that the person I'm due to hook-up with can make it down this end of the world from Newcastle instead. Either way, I'm due for some mega chilled out, loved up free time away from the house.
♥ I don't really have a huge amount to say at the moment to be honest, I'm sorry if I've been neglecting you recently, I have been somewhat embroiled online with aforementioned Geordie, dealing with the garage and gardens being completely flooded, working and just general life stuff.
Hope you're all well
Love and kisses
Michelle xx

♥ I have my own group now!!! Way to go SG for NOT actually telling me that it had been approved and that it's been up and running since March 6th!!!

♥ I'm still ever hopeful of getting back to Manchester next month. I should be in for a wild ride if I do

♥ I don't really have a huge amount to say at the moment to be honest, I'm sorry if I've been neglecting you recently, I have been somewhat embroiled online with aforementioned Geordie, dealing with the garage and gardens being completely flooded, working and just general life stuff.
Hope you're all well

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
Thank you love
I'm pretty excited, but also a bit nervous. It's a lot of work for my first job. I'll do okay though....

It was lovely to meet you last night! Hope you had a good time!