Right now I'm just tired of everything. I'm tired of life. I'm tired of the constant pain in my body. I'm tired of my relationship and fighting all the time. I'm tired of being broke. I'm tired of losing family. I'm tired of losing friends. I'm tired of trying to survive on nothing. I'm tired of this stupid holiday and every one being so happy about the it.I'm tired of thinking things will get better. I'm tired of people telling me it will. I'm tired of trying to make it better. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of being mad. I'm tired of giving a shit about others. I'm tired of others not giving a shit about me. I'm tired of being nice. I'm tired of being understanding. I'm tired of giving everything and getting nothing in return. I'm tired of even thinking.
I still likes ya plenty... ;)
There is a part of life that most of us never recognize in any conscious way and that is the importance that we place on our ability to predict. Our whole lives revolve around resolving the future, yet we transpose all of that into the present. Worry, more simply and usefully referred to as fear, is a prediction of future hurt. None of us like to be hurt and that is the very definition of an experience that is hurtful. No-one wishing to make you feel better can guarantee anything positive in your future or prove that the guarantee is valid, but like all of us, I think you`re saying that it would be grand just once to know that something will turn out very nicely and you could take a respite from anticipating and and then just as surely getting, shit thrown in your face by life and its minions. So here`s my answer; we`re all products of our DNA, our experiences and the beliefs that these gave rise to. Some of us know how to treat others well and some believe that it`s a dog eat dog world. If you have been let down by people who by any reasonable measure owe you gratitude and loyalty, the failure is theirs and you had no way of reading their minds to predict how they would behave. Shit gets all of us down but I know that you have great creativity and intelligence to solve any problem that comes along. Each obstacle teaches us about what doesn`t give us the result we want and I would suggest that predicting nothing but failure in all things from this day forward is a result that no-one could achieve even with the greatest deliberate effort. Some of understand that we all have the same feelings and can`t help but care what happens to others, even if they`re ``strangers`` far away. A shitstorm is no predictor of your whole future and you are far from powerless to choose your path going forward.