ok, so two pirate-ninja-robot pics have been posted in my random pics folder. one displays my lovely roomate dressed as slash.
yesterday was a crazy crazy...rape flashback? it wasn't even a flashback so much as a sex-related incident that just set me off. crying and crying, couldn't stop, souldn't try to calm down or even breathe, just...no control whatsoever. i ended up changing the sheets...
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yesterday was a crazy crazy...rape flashback? it wasn't even a flashback so much as a sex-related incident that just set me off. crying and crying, couldn't stop, souldn't try to calm down or even breathe, just...no control whatsoever. i ended up changing the sheets...
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a spiffy new picture for a girl with a spiffy new outlook on life!
HAH! wrong! an awesome new picture for a girl who doesn't really give a fuck, but who is doing swimmingly in thermo class.
the annual fighting off of admirers has begun. why are they all so hot? why are they all so unsuitable? it is a mystery!
for halloween i was...
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HAH! wrong! an awesome new picture for a girl who doesn't really give a fuck, but who is doing swimmingly in thermo class.
the annual fighting off of admirers has begun. why are they all so hot? why are they all so unsuitable? it is a mystery!
for halloween i was...
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Oh wow, I took thermo I and II. Tough classes. I did not have the benifit of having a crush on my prof though. Are you majoring in Physics? I got my pysics degree then went back and did the engineering thing. Good for you!!
I love that new pic...I mean really....it's the best thing I've laid my eyes on all day...probably because you stopped giving a fuck...peeps just try too damn hard, eh?
Your beautiful...it's one of those inner things.
Love may be free but you still have to pay the taxes on it!
Your beautiful...it's one of those inner things.
Love may be free but you still have to pay the taxes on it!

awww, tonight's futurama episode was jurassic bark...
for as long as it takes, i will wait for you...

for as long as it takes, i will wait for you...
Good pics of the bad cat. Do you have just one? I have two.
I find that cat badness increases exponentially, so I'm leery of getting a third. But I never say, "No," to a fifth. Ha ha ha!
I find that cat badness increases exponentially, so I'm leery of getting a third. But I never say, "No," to a fifth. Ha ha ha!

I thought I would say hi since I talk to you on im sometimes. find anymore cool docs on ebay?
i bet you're wondering why i haven't posted...
yeah, well, maybe it's because i don't love you. ever think of that? HAH-ha! ::mock mock mock::
yeah, well, maybe it's because i don't love you. ever think of that? HAH-ha! ::mock mock mock::

jus cuz

jus cuz
yesterday was a bad day that turned out...better in the end. first off, i missed my dynamics test. NOT GOOD, FOLKS! and why? because my fridge went bad, and i ate my pork leftovers and got...very sick. when somebody asked me "which kind of sick?" i replied "double feature!" that's how everyone likes to start their day....
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yesterday was a bad day that turned out...better in the end. first off, i missed my dynamics test. NOT GOOD, FOLKS! and why? because my fridge went bad, and i ate my pork leftovers and got...very sick. when somebody asked me "which kind of sick?" i replied "double feature!" that's how everyone likes to start their day....
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Ugh. Double feature is terrible!
Congrats on your new place.
Congrats on your new place.
"so i went and picked up my keys, and went to my new place. o, it is a beautiful palace spun of froth and dream, and i am its sugar-princess."
that is so cool
that is so cool

quail chicks hatched today!
::does little happy finger dance::
quail chicks, quail chicks...
they're so small!! yet they're fully conscious of you as soon as they're born. mice may be smaller, but they're pretty much insensate when first born.
do you see what i'm saying? a quail chick can immediately comprehend that i, a giant more than five hundred times its size, is picking it...
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::does little happy finger dance::
quail chicks, quail chicks...
they're so small!! yet they're fully conscious of you as soon as they're born. mice may be smaller, but they're pretty much insensate when first born.
do you see what i'm saying? a quail chick can immediately comprehend that i, a giant more than five hundred times its size, is picking it...
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I guess I'm just a lazy SOB.

Please, no more CareBears!
What does the kitty think about quail chicks?

What does the kitty think about quail chicks?

well, guess who's feeling better?
i've decided the best way to make it through is to count down the days til i move into my new place. this apartment will have taken exactly one month out of my summer, but that doesn't negate the awesomeness of the first two. even though it feels like i've been here forever.
and so i've been really excited setting...
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i've decided the best way to make it through is to count down the days til i move into my new place. this apartment will have taken exactly one month out of my summer, but that doesn't negate the awesomeness of the first two. even though it feels like i've been here forever.
and so i've been really excited setting...
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when i saw david bowie on his reality tour in berkeley, there were two women, dressed to the nines, sitting behind me in their 3rd seats. there were exceedlingly cool.
at one point, they unfurled a long banner that said opera grrls love bowie too.
we hung out after the show. i saw david again the next night in san fransisco and then again in l.a. and anaheim.
so when i read your profile, i knew i had to share that with you.
and when i read that you like p.k. dick, clove smokes, proper grammar and grouphug, i knew i had to invite you to be my sg friend.
ok, ok, the magic pickle and the firefighter's hat might have influenced that decision just a little bit.
ps: and we haven't even talked about cats yet!!
[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 10:51AM]
at one point, they unfurled a long banner that said opera grrls love bowie too.
we hung out after the show. i saw david again the next night in san fransisco and then again in l.a. and anaheim.
so when i read your profile, i knew i had to share that with you.
and when i read that you like p.k. dick, clove smokes, proper grammar and grouphug, i knew i had to invite you to be my sg friend.
ok, ok, the magic pickle and the firefighter's hat might have influenced that decision just a little bit.
ps: and we haven't even talked about cats yet!!
[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 10:51AM]
Big ups on the Solomon's Law thing...heheh...that's too funny. Make sure to show us pictures of that frame when it's all done...
And details on the rest of it when you're ready to share
And details on the rest of it when you're ready to share

what in the hell??? how did misterjesus get zotted????
and hammersmith too!
and hammersmith too!

Maybe. That doesn't seem to be out of the question.
*whispers* He has a livejournal, you could ask him if you wanted.
eat my heart out.
sometimes i think i could. just slice open the chest, cook up a nice roux and make heart gumbo. [which, ironically, would give me heartburn.] i bet my heart would be the consistency of a nice, meaty tomato. chewy yet tender, and it would kind of go plish! in your mouth as you bit down. mmm, heeaaaarrrt.
today i got punched...
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sometimes i think i could. just slice open the chest, cook up a nice roux and make heart gumbo. [which, ironically, would give me heartburn.] i bet my heart would be the consistency of a nice, meaty tomato. chewy yet tender, and it would kind of go plish! in your mouth as you bit down. mmm, heeaaaarrrt.
today i got punched...
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Aww...I know that feeling, babe. It sucks. Tell Auntie Einzel all about it!

Hmmm....heart sounds like a Fear Factor waiting to happen...they probably already did it.
I seen one like beating on the ER channel it was gross.....
made me turn my head.
Talk at ya

I seen one like beating on the ER channel it was gross.....

Talk at ya

i am watching a movie about a corpulent vacuum salesman.
it's a danny boyle film, the guy who did trainspotting and 28 days later. this one's called "vacuuming completely nude in paradise".
i enjoy vacuuming in the nude.
it's a danny boyle film, the guy who did trainspotting and 28 days later. this one's called "vacuuming completely nude in paradise".
i enjoy vacuuming in the nude.
I have'n't heard that word in a while.......a movie about a fat nude vacuum salesman....sounds like a winner to me.
The vacuuming in the nude comment.....made me think, hard.
ohh how would i love to see it.
LAte Er liK dUd.

The vacuuming in the nude comment.....made me think, hard.
ohh how would i love to see it.
LAte Er liK dUd.

I enjoy showering in the nude.
I know, I know, it's a little crazy, but I enjoy lots of weird things.
You made my day when you informed me I resemble the guy who voices Plankton. He's my hero.
I know, I know, it's a little crazy, but I enjoy lots of weird things.
You made my day when you informed me I resemble the guy who voices Plankton. He's my hero.

can i ever fully express the deep bitterness that is in my soul?
paraphrased, i didn't get to go to the san diego comic-con.
lame, lame, lame.
other than that, things are better. i'm sleeping better and am able to get up. i got to see my dog yesterday and today
cuz my parents came to visit. i know you might not...
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paraphrased, i didn't get to go to the san diego comic-con.

other than that, things are better. i'm sleeping better and am able to get up. i got to see my dog yesterday and today

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by the waY, just saw the set you posted and i would say tour definately top ten on this site

Aww. Thanks. That was very sweet of you. (^_^)
i'm back! as of five minutes ago!
no, no, i never actually left but we moved a few blocks and then verizon was the devil and wouldn't turn on our dsl til today. and then we had to reconfigure our router, which involved a phone conversation with her old roomatge while i pretended not to be there 'cuz it would raise too many questions.
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no, no, i never actually left but we moved a few blocks and then verizon was the devil and wouldn't turn on our dsl til today. and then we had to reconfigure our router, which involved a phone conversation with her old roomatge while i pretended not to be there 'cuz it would raise too many questions.
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have you ever thought about making your "occupation" description into a video? i think it has real potential.
that's a link to some of the crap that i've made. i think you'll like the unicorn video
that's a link to some of the crap that i've made. i think you'll like the unicorn video
congratulations on the new place
it sucks that you can't really have them turn on your dsl beforehand. you should be able to call and tell them when you are moving and expect it to work when you got there.
course those companies are nowhere near capable of something as functional as that
engineering paper is probably the least conducive thing i can think of to writing down emotions

course those companies are nowhere near capable of something as functional as that

engineering paper is probably the least conducive thing i can think of to writing down emotions

i hope you come back around soon, its a shame to have such a cute girl on my friends list and not be able to talk with you. i hope that changes this year.