well today was my day off. yeah right, like that evers happens in this place. anyways, i get woke up and told me platoon had been hit by another fire bomb, a little bigger then the first one. this time they caught the guys that did it though. a couple guys in my platoon were slightly injured so they had to wake me and another...
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got fire bombed the other day. no one got hurt so its all good. the most interesting thing about it though was that it looked just like an explosion from some crazy action movie. we were driving down the road and heard a little bang, then all of a sudden there was a wall of fire in front of our humvee that almost covered an...
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last night we had to secure and area around a car bomb that was found. so we're sitting there waiting for the bomb disposal people to do their job, all of a sudden booom, and everyone jumps behind their humvees. they tell us it was a canopener rocket the blew the side of the car off so the robot could see if it really was...
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Another day in paradise? Have a brother there at the moment. So the consern is great. You all are doing a great job. To bad there is a few who do not care enough for their countrymen to Go around and destroy the very people who are helping, and getting Iraq, to be a better Nation.
ok i guess ive left a few things out. im stationed in camp liberty. been in this crap tank since oct 04. and yes i really love my noodles.
as for getting my noodles since the mortar, it brings up another story. today after breakfast i was planning on getting them. we leave the chow hall and BOOOM!!! once again. this time it hit right...
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as for getting my noodles since the mortar, it brings up another story. today after breakfast i was planning on getting them. we leave the chow hall and BOOOM!!! once again. this time it hit right...
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Keep safe and enjoy your noodles
If anything in this war will break a man it's incomming keeping him from gettin his ramen on. I have my wife ship me these really awsome korean noodles I got hooked on when i was over there. I'm with ya on this one.
so, i was at the store trying to buy some ramen noodles the other day. i was about the 10th guy in line when BOOOM!!! a damn 120mm mortar blew up about 30 meters from the front door. the whole ceiling almost collapsed. it was freakin crazy. everone inside either fell to the floor, like i did, or ran around, or screamed, or a combination...
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holy shit...you must love noodles!
were are you based any way?
how long have you been there?
did u end up getting your noodles since then?
were are you based any way?
how long have you been there?
did u end up getting your noodles since then?
cant believe i forgot to put this on here but...
the other night we had to drive a couple guys to a different base. thats pretty normal we do it a couple times a week. so we get there and drop them off and a couple guys come up and start talking to us. theres nothing unusual with that either until they asked us where...
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the other night we had to drive a couple guys to a different base. thats pretty normal we do it a couple times a week. so we get there and drop them off and a couple guys come up and start talking to us. theres nothing unusual with that either until they asked us where...
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oh you sneaky sneaky petey boy...thank you for tuning in to D-TV i hope you are having a wonderful ass day.
hey hey,whats the goss,hope all is well and you have got a few sk8s in.take care
well i got to go home and now im back. it was great being home again, kinda weird getting used to being around lots of people. it was nice though. now back in the hellhole. its been hot like a mofo here lately. im guessing over a hundred from 800am till about 700pm everyday for the past week. we did start an easier schedule though...
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good to hear! hope you got some sk8ing in whilst you were gone.well good luck and big ups.
a couple friends died a few days ago, sitting right outside the base getting ready to come back in. what a shitty way to go. i cant believe it, ive lost way to many friends over here from accidents, injuries, and bombs. this place is driving me crazy. everyday i leave the base is like playing russian roulette. some day itll all be over though....
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i feel for ya man keep up the good work
well, its been pretty boreing over here as of recently. its been about a week since my platoon got blown up last, no one hurt of corse. just been doing the drive around in circles thing. yesterday we got so bored that we were rapelling off of the roof of a building we guard in our area. that was pretty fun and passed a few...
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its been a good long while since my last update.
things over here in iraq are pretty boreing as of late. for a little while it was exciting, my humvee got hit by an rpg and a couple other little bombs. since their elections though things have calmed down alot. i kinda miss the adrenaline rush that follows getting blown up but i guess id...
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things over here in iraq are pretty boreing as of late. for a little while it was exciting, my humvee got hit by an rpg and a couple other little bombs. since their elections though things have calmed down alot. i kinda miss the adrenaline rush that follows getting blown up but i guess id...
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Good luck.
I joined your "in iraq" group because I'm curious as to what really happens over there. WhoDoVooDooWeDo is being deployed this week (12 months) and I want to get an idea of what he will be going through. I promise not to ask any stupid questions, well, maybe one: What is an IED?
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner
ps: my friend just got back from duty and some of the shit he told me and some of the pics he had were fucked up... stay safe over there man.