I'm making more beer. Yes, again. No I don't have a problem. Well, lack of beer maybe, but that'll be fixed up in a month or so. It's the season that behooves me. The weather is getting right in the range where cranking out some quality ale is a little easier thanks to Mother Nature. Not too warm not too cold in the house. Just right. The hefe I made up Friday seems to love it. I can tell because the downstairs smells like bananas and farts. Yes, I realize my house normally smells a bit of farts. This is more than normal. This is...Dinty Moore beef stew washed down with clamato stink. I'm not concerned though, some yeast just makes that stink when it ferments a beer. Honey seems to make it even more pronounced. Don't ask me why though, I don't know. Yet.
I tried a local chinese joint last night. Food was pretty meh. It got great reviews, but still pretty meh. The funniest thing was watching the proprietor deal with this guy trying to sell them biodegradable food packages. He quoted her $0.18 a unit. She wanted to know how much a pack of 200 was. Simple in your head calculation. Then they both pulled out calculators and started figuring it up. Really? Really?
I muttered to myself about morons and watched the beer store across the street. Legal kids go in, illegals stay in parking lot to smoke and talk about Fallout Boy or some such shit. I don't know, I'm too old for the kids anymore.
I tried a local chinese joint last night. Food was pretty meh. It got great reviews, but still pretty meh. The funniest thing was watching the proprietor deal with this guy trying to sell them biodegradable food packages. He quoted her $0.18 a unit. She wanted to know how much a pack of 200 was. Simple in your head calculation. Then they both pulled out calculators and started figuring it up. Really? Really?
I muttered to myself about morons and watched the beer store across the street. Legal kids go in, illegals stay in parking lot to smoke and talk about Fallout Boy or some such shit. I don't know, I'm too old for the kids anymore.
One hting I didn't get to do last time I was up that way was taste your homebrews. I must remedy this next time i'm in the area.
It appears that once again I did not meet you. Bitter, burning disappointment. Unless I did meet you but was too drunk to remember, in which case hurray.