I went and saw Hot Water Music and Sparta (amongst others) last night. It was alright, but HWM didn't play for that long. I found out that I don't really like Glassjaw too much. I don't know why but I couldn't get into them. Sparta was pretty fucking good though, that boy can sing.
It was a beautiful day, it was actually warm outside. I got out on my bike, did some trickin'. I was so pumped. The first time of the year feels so good. You get out there and you stretch all your muscles as you ride, I cracked my back too, it felt great. I'm gonna ride so hard this summer. Last summer sucked, I partied...
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wanna go for a bikeride?
I feel like the worlds biggest procrastinator. I don't do anything anymore. What the fudge!
My friend Jill is coming to visit me this weekend. I haven't seen her since the summer. She was the one who introduced me to this site. I owe her forever. How could I ever repay her?
chomp her box.......
wiggle your weiner in praise.
I don't know if you watch the Jimmy Kimmel show but I saw this clip from a web site called www.angrynakedpat.com. There was this kid named Andy Milanakis and he's fucking hilarious. Check it out if you've got time to.
What!......You think you're gonna stumble onto my journal page and find something interesting.
So I passed out early last night. I couldn't wait up for the bingo scratch ticket chick to call. I'm sick as hell (it feels like the devil shat in my sinuses) and I didn't want to go through with it. So I did what was good for me, did a jay, took some NyQuil and passed out. I checked my phone this morning and...
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So I got this bingo scratch ticket in the mail. I played it and I got a box. The ticket says that I have a chance to win $5000, you have to answer a skill testing question and call in to some number. So I'm a bit excited this might be legit, it might be bogus, it's worth the checking out. I call in and...
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"Hey, i dunno if you'd know the answer to this, but it couldnt hurt to ask........What does it mean when you shit and piss blood?"
yep. you have to. she might be the weirdest mr. ed looking ho you've ever seen. might be the most insane freak.
might. might.
but i would do it too. that's dope.
ooooohhhh. snakepiss gots a date.....