've decided to quit the site for a while. pssshh! "quit the site" sounds awfully negative. let's just call it a hiatus. It's just that my living arrangement has gotten all fucked up. all of a sudden I'm forced into managing my own house. aside from being broke all the time, all is good. my account doesn't run out until the middle of november so...
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I've not been on here for a while. things are alright though. I don't have the internet at my house so it makes it tough. I gotta get back with it, there's so much new cool stuff going on here.
no you are missing nothing.
keep on the break for a while, i'll fill you in when you get back.
hope you're good.....

keep on the break for a while, i'll fill you in when you get back.
hope you're good.....

back home. yep. back home. well i guess some things never change. I've been back for less than a week and already I gotta get the hell out of here.
funny how that works isn't it?
i have the same feeling...
i have the same feeling...
do it duder, get the fuck out
On Friday night I got back to my cousins house in SD. I had no plans or ambitions. We were just sitting around playing Evil Dead the video game. Around 9:00pm we got it in our heads to go to Vegas. So we hopped in the car and went. I'm not much of a gambler, but I'm a helluva drinker so enjoyed none the less...
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The other day I met up with a few SG members.....for the first time. It was rad being able to talk about the site in person with someone. Good times, cheap Pabst. It was completely random, and it's always cool when that happens.
SGLA will rule you. come out to LA and you can meet us!!!!
so who'd you get to meet lucky man?
San Francisco is pretty rad.
A mint julep is a very tasty beverage.
That is all.
A mint julep is a very tasty beverage.
That is all.
Yay for SF! It was nice to meet you last night! 

Yeah, thanks for coming out....good to meet ya.
Looks like I'm hightailin' up to San Francisco to see my cousin get married this week. So, I prolly won't be around a whole lot, if at all. Anyone know what to do in SF. Any cool places to check out, things to do?
no, but have fun buddy.
Did ya go to the zoo? Hope ya had fun!
Hey, I found these candid picks everyone is talking about. That'll keep me busy for a while.
My mother never found the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.
-Jack Nicholson
-Jack Nicholson
Everybody watch the Conan O'Brian show tonight!!!

hehe, you're right, I am a silly girl 

Im gonna TiVo it right now.
you can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow
-Janis Joplin
-Janis Joplin
so why are you in cali right now?
where in cali?
p.s. i wanna see you with spikey hair *giggles*
where in cali?
p.s. i wanna see you with spikey hair *giggles*
My ideal girlfriend is a nympho that owns a liquor store.
it says so on my keychain
it says so on my keychain
Bmx? You ever read Dig?
By FAR the BEST BMX mag.
have fun with real life!