Its hard to hold my sanity
With fingers rotting off
I licked the dripping holes of Christ
Then filled them with myself
Right where Mary knelt
The skin around my skull peels back
My morning glory head
A pistil brain and pollen eyes
Cant get the bees to quit
The cherub sifts through shit
The carcass falls through webs of flesh
Lands softly in my mouth
Savored flavors of the dead
Taste like stale disease
Flicking at the fleas
With fingers rotting off
I licked the dripping holes of Christ
Then filled them with myself
Right where Mary knelt
The skin around my skull peels back
My morning glory head
A pistil brain and pollen eyes
Cant get the bees to quit
The cherub sifts through shit
The carcass falls through webs of flesh
Lands softly in my mouth
Savored flavors of the dead
Taste like stale disease
Flicking at the fleas
Yes I went to the first one.
I wanted to go to the second but noone told me.
I met brad at the first one and again at barnes and noble. Are you gonna try to go to the 3rd?
