There's a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder
Crack and thunder, is closing in, is closing in
The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on the concrete
On a flat roof, there's a boy leaning against the wall of rain
Aerial held high, calling "come on thunder, come on thunder"

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear...
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My boots sqeak and it gets on my tits.
They cost 100 six years ago, top of the range type gore-tex, and I can't wear them because one of them sounds as if there's a dying mouse beneath the sole. Worse things happen at sea, as they say.

My car needs a new starter. I suppose I shouldn't complain, its 37 years old.

I've lost...
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5lbs since monday? That's not very healthy... be careful + look after yourself frown ::hugs::

"We lived many lives in those whirling campaigns, never sparing ourselves; yet when we achieved and the new world dawned, the old men came out again and took our victory to re-make in the likeness of the former world they knew. Youth could win, but had not learned to keep: and was pitiably weak against age. We stammered that we had worked for a new...
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hahaha! love the new pic! i will enjoy london to its fullest. too bad you can't make it down for nic's show, i think it's going to be lots of fun. if it's not too expensive i might try to go to massage therapy school there. who knows. that's so far into the future for me right now...usually the only plans i make that seem to work out for me are the ones made no more than two months in advance. biggrin
Yeah, I've got caught with heavy going books before. I read them in stages between something more easy going, like Terry Pratchett. That way I get a few days break to absorb everything
I want to do something with my life. I want to travel, see different cultures. Help people. Fight the government in Burma. Anything.

Anything but spend the next 40 years sat at a desk in a fucking office. I know I'd end up killing myself. I worked in an office for a day; that was enough. The prospect of spending my life working in this...
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I think I'm becoming a communist. I keep getting urges to revolt against the capitalist oppressors in the newsagent's shop.
42p?!!!!! FOR A MARSBAR?!!!!!! Inflation certainly isn't that much... but I have noticed how they're constantly uping the prices on chocolate + soft drinks on the sly frown

Cherry xx
Rip-off places indeed. Late night petrol stations are the worst though, paying 80p for a bloody coke.
"Now I can look at you in peace, I don't eat you any more"

Franz Kafka

I've been vegetarian for about two months, and I really can't see myself ever eating meat again. The very thought of it makes me feel ill.
When I was in Morocco I (accidentally) bought something similar but I forgot how to fold it and it's now the most expensive bright yellow cloth I own. Never even got a photo of myself in full desert garb on the camel.

Forgot to say ta for reading what I wrote (and agreeing is good too), nice change from banging my head against a brick wall / shouting into the void.
i wouldn't be surprised if gandhi did forgive his killer. i'm afraid i don't know too much about him, either. but i'm fairly certain that gandhi's family was one of the most vocal groups when it came to protesting the execution of gandhi's murderer.
Currently reading The Motorcycle Diaries, Che Guevara's account of his road trip through South America before he became a revolutionary.
He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth.


circa 1200bc: Trojan War

753bc: founding of Rome

216bc: Hannibal kicks the poo outta the Romans at Cannae

33ad: some dude called Jesus gets nailed up

476ad: fall of Western Roman Empire

638ad: Islamic forces under Umar conquer Jerusalem

800ad: Charlemagne crowned as Holy Roman Emperor

1095: First Crusade preached

1204: Contstantinople sacked

1453: Constantinople taken by Mehmet II Ottomon Turks, Byzantium no more.

1800's: Tubby german bint as Empress of India, courtesy of flag touting English Imperials

1982: Youngs Ones on the Telly!

2003: Blah!

3000 years in 5 seconds smile
A white rabbit is pulled out of a top hat.Because it is an extremely large rabbit, the trick takes many billions of years. All mortals are born at the very tip of the rabbit's fine hairs, where they are in a position to wonder at the impossibility of the trick. But as they grow older they work themselves ever deeper into the fur. And there...
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I like that alot.
Intriguing. I've always wondered stuff like that myself. I mean, are people born with a gene that activates around thrity and you say "I'm gonna start gardening today"