I passed my audition last night, I am now a stripper!
I just hope it's true what they say about the money. I really got my heart set on a Shadow Hills Master Compressor, and those puppies don't come cheap!
Yeah, last night was a real hoot but now more so than ever I feel that I really oughta learn to moonwalk. It worked great...
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I just hope it's true what they say about the money. I really got my heart set on a Shadow Hills Master Compressor, and those puppies don't come cheap!
Yeah, last night was a real hoot but now more so than ever I feel that I really oughta learn to moonwalk. It worked great...
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Navel high ferns have completely taken over my yard. Next year I should have enough fiddleheads to feed my village.
I hear fiddleheads are fabulous to eat!
My iguana laid an egg on mothers day. I thought that was appropriate.
And a happy mothers day to all the mothers out there. Well....a happy belated mothers day at least!
And a happy mothers day to all the mothers out there. Well....a happy belated mothers day at least!
I was without my mother on Mother's Day.
What's your iguana's name?

I really like this photo of Mr. Cave. His arm looks like the spindly limb on a tree.
Enjoying "Dig, Lazarus, Dig" a lot.
Hope all is well with you.
What's your iguana's name?

I really like this photo of Mr. Cave. His arm looks like the spindly limb on a tree.
Enjoying "Dig, Lazarus, Dig" a lot.
Hope all is well with you.

Smallest black hole known to human kind discovered in our galaxy -->
"Tiny but intense, with a mass 3.8 times that of the sun and a diameter of only 15 miles (24 kilometers), this black hole in the Milky Way galaxy "is really pushing the limits" of our understanding of the phenomenon, according a NASA scientist from Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland."
The Grammys...
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"Tiny but intense, with a mass 3.8 times that of the sun and a diameter of only 15 miles (24 kilometers), this black hole in the Milky Way galaxy "is really pushing the limits" of our understanding of the phenomenon, according a NASA scientist from Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland."
The Grammys...
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w00t for shout outs!!

I was just thinking of you the other day! The gal that tends bar at one of my favorite, dumpy little haunts is a Downers Grove expat as well! She comes from a family of Quaker bluegrass musicians, and is quite the accomplished fiddle player.
Small world, no?
The organ, eh? Beware those diminished 5th chords.
A hearty YAWP back atcha, my friend! Hope all is well in your corner of the galaxy.
Small world, no?
The organ, eh? Beware those diminished 5th chords.

A hearty YAWP back atcha, my friend! Hope all is well in your corner of the galaxy.

It's been awhile since I've posted.
Oddly enough, I'd like to comment on the fact that I've just learned that Pop Staples died in '95.
Guess I'm not just behind on blog posts.
Anyhow, I've been holed up in a warehouse in Cranston looking for work, working on my short stories, novels, and music, and kinda loving my new hermetic life.
Still, I miss my...
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Oddly enough, I'd like to comment on the fact that I've just learned that Pop Staples died in '95.
Guess I'm not just behind on blog posts.
Anyhow, I've been holed up in a warehouse in Cranston looking for work, working on my short stories, novels, and music, and kinda loving my new hermetic life.
Still, I miss my...
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thank you for the movie recommendations, those would be good halloween-time flicks!
thanks for the comment baby!!
HAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I just paid $185.45 for a Sunn Colliseum-300 amp! That shit will porbably cost $100.00 dollars to fix! Guess who's shitting rainbows right now!!!!!!
A he he he he he he he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A he he he he he he he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So it's been eons since I posted last.
Not really sure what to say at this point.
Guess I'll just post random things so as to at least have a new post.
Since my last post I've-
-Been kicked out of a country band...
-Purchased a pedal steel (my dream intrument)...
-Eaten more noodles than you...
-Fallen in love with that song "Umbrealla" by Rhianna......
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Not really sure what to say at this point.
Guess I'll just post random things so as to at least have a new post.
Since my last post I've-
-Been kicked out of a country band...
-Purchased a pedal steel (my dream intrument)...
-Eaten more noodles than you...
-Fallen in love with that song "Umbrealla" by Rhianna......
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the other day a college aged girl was standing in line at my work when her friend approached her holding a can of nuts.
friend: "are these the kinda of peanuts that you wanted?"
girl in line: "those aren't peanuts, those are cashews."
friend: "peanuts, cashews, whatever. They both grow on the same tree."
things that make you go hhmmmmmmmm.........
friend: "are these the kinda of peanuts that you wanted?"
girl in line: "those aren't peanuts, those are cashews."
friend: "peanuts, cashews, whatever. They both grow on the same tree."
things that make you go hhmmmmmmmm.........
i'm totally down for coffee. we just have to catch me on a day when i can be propped up without excessive effort . . .
just not sure that the fiance would take kindly to internet strangers w/ candy coming to the house. (assuming you'd arrive bearing candy, which i demand from all my callers- let's just get that on the table!). coffee, i tell ya. just give me a bit of time to recover from the weekend . . . oi.
Well, if they can fake a moon landing, isn't it plausable that the men in the shadows fixed The Superbowl? It makes sence to me. The Bears shoulda had that.
Come pay me a visit sometime. I'll be in my basement, or should I say....Superbowl XLI Deniers HQ.
Come pay me a visit sometime. I'll be in my basement, or should I say....Superbowl XLI Deniers HQ.
dammit! thanks for writing, anyway!!
Thank you!

Robert Anton Wilson died this morning at 4:50 A.M.
Rest in peace brother.
Rest in peace brother.

Now if only the Guns and Dope Party would run a candidate in the 2008 election!
(Happy New Year, dahlink! How's tricks?)


Now if only the Guns and Dope Party would run a candidate in the 2008 election!
(Happy New Year, dahlink! How's tricks?)
Sent you a wee PM.
PS: It stopped snowing.