Well, got some more shit done in Linux that I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to! w00t. That's kool.

I went and applied at more places, and hope to God that I get something. I really, really need a fucking job... and to get back up on my own feet.
yea i am wiccan, but i consider myself more ecclectic wiccan, because i draw belief from many pantheons. i have studyed witchcraft and spirituality for over 5 years now, one thing that still keeps me sane. biggrin
man, i just love the way your computer looks, its major cool
Finally, I'm becoming less of a Linux n00b. I've gone from, in 2 months, knowing next to nothing about Linux or web-serving and web-deisgn, to installing and running Slackware, setting up a web-server with PHP and mySQL support, learning and then making html/php pages for my website... and now finally getting mySQL to be working properly, and starting to learn to work with databases! w00t!...
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Kayla is not a bitch; she'll be trying to stop you getting zotted by warning you that whatever your saying is not appropriate. Don't take her advice and one day, you'll find that you won't be able to post on the site anymore.
Some folks don't know the difference between polite warning, and harassing comments wink
Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking. That's good, and bad. It's good, because I'm rapidly realizing all of the mistakes I've made in recent years, regarding relationships, and life decisions... and bad, because it's depressing how many fucking mistakes I've made... and not being able to do anything about them. Now that the cards have been dealt, they're out on the table, and...
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See, the thing about public message boards and journals is I can post wherever i please. if she had a journal that wasn't public she could say whatever she wanted with no worry of being questioned. but! suicidegirls does not have private journals.
therefore anything she (or i, or you, or that guy over there) is up for debate.

thats the thing about the internet. nothing is private.
she should post whatever she wnts, whenever she wants.
but she should understand that i have the right to reply

just as you have the right to reply to my journal
and me to yours
etcetc ad nauseum
Man... fuck all this bullshit. I'm getting sick of shit being fucked up all the time. I think I'm just going to try as hard as I can to forget all about anything that bothers me. Just... fuck everyone's shit; I don't need it. I gotta get my shit together. So.. yea. Fuck it. *sigh* So tired... so tired of it all.
hey, you said you liked morrowind, i uploaded a bunch of new screenshots into my pics section....peace wink
ooo, new profile pic biggrin
My life is being stripped from me. I'd explain more, but I don't think the general public has any reason to know the ungodly intimate details of the end of my life. I wish I could do something about this, but I can't. I'm so fucked. I can't go a day without crying my fucking eyes out, over and over. I'm so scared, and lost....
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Well, I might be getting a job here real quick. I'll know within the next two weeks. It starts at $11.06/hour; it's a help desk job at an electronics company. If I get it, that would be way sweet.

In other news, shit's going down with my best friend's brother and his girlfriend. That's good and bad. They aren't happy, so they should break up,...
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Yea... I'm upset. And... I don't know what to do about it. I figure I can just, like, forget and live on, but it's easier said than done. I'm so fucking sick of being upset all the time.


I wish things were simple.
Hey hey..... which of those drawing did you draw? You are an awesome artist if you did those...... Check out some of my art in my pics folder.

Moving to Eugene huh? Cool cool........ it's not bad here. I have been here 9 years. Cool chill ppl here.

You want things simple huh? Well my only advice on that (and being 34 I feel I have a bit of wisdom, at least I hope so everything I have been through) When shit doesn't go your way, you can either get angry and frustrated - or - you can just see it as a learning experience and learn something from it.

Take it from me - you can't let shit get to you or else you will go postal. Learn to laugh at yourself........

Just my 2 cents worth, take it or leave it......

Just for everyone's record, I drew all of those pictures in my Artwork section, except for the self portrait of Jessica Szabo [face in tree] and Mark Harwood [face with room in background]; of course, done by themselves, of themselves... and the last one, of the thin woman with the mask, which was done by Alexandria Elliott.

Oh, and I replied to you, _Argos_, on your journal wink

[Edited on Apr 28, 2004 8:24PM]
Went and saw The Passion of the Christ tonight. Tell ya what... that's one fucked up movie. More than that, it's a whole fucked up realization of a time in our history. We're fucked up; that's certain.

But, that's life, right? *sigh* No job yet, but gonna apply at a bar tomorrow... hopefully. I get pretty lazy most of the time.

Well... yea. Nothin to...
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new pic smile...everyone is getting one...maybe i should to ....*thinks for a moment*

answering your question YES everyone is fine...

good luck getting a job *hands you a four leaf clover*

Holy shit, was I fuckered up last night; good and fuckered up like I've never been before. I hung out and played Scrabble with one of my two friends, and talked for hours. Finally, I took off cuz she was pretty tired. On the way home, I stopped and fed some goats some good green grass. They're always harassing me, trying to catch my attention,...
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Hee hee, I don't think SG would like that very much, but you never know what could happenwink Always here if you need to chat, dude smile
hahahaha that's awsome...

Well, my worthless birthday was uneventful. I sat around, and did nothing. The night before, some old friends of mine came over and got drunk... I didn't participate, because they're all morons now. Not a single one of them was worth talking to for more than, say, five minutes... tops.

Yesterday (Easter)... I worked on my friend's mother's new house she's getting... we (mike's mom,...
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Hahehe, S.G is an abreviation of a name for someone who occasionally reads the site, and I wouldn't want her to think that I think she's a creepy stalker, as she's a really sweet girl. I think I've told you about her before...