Well, I'm working on getting my car fixed, finally. Last week, I worked on getting in started... it took half an hour. But, it took so long, because it's been sitting, without any sort of use, for nearly a year... the gas and the oil were very old, and stagnant. So, this Friday, I'm going to go and get a battery for it, and then take it in to be assessed... see what's wrong with it, what will need to be done, and for how much. Then, I'm going to go buy the needed parts, and have my best friend's aunt do all the work, for FAR less labor charges than they would charge me. From what we can tell, it's just got screwed up rings, bad fuel filter, blown oil gaskets, and needs a tune up. So, it should all be fixed for around $300, easy. It'll be nice.
So, with the current plan, it should be running by the 16th. We'll see...
So, with the current plan, it should be running by the 16th. We'll see...
No no no I need a REAL Axe the old head spliting varaity. Nice and nasty and BIG!!
Oh oh oh on a side note I been meaning to ask what server you play WoW on?
good luck fixing your car <3