Hey everyone (the 3-5 of you who acknowledge my existence thus far)! I'm finally moving back into Salem. Me and my best friend, Scott, are moving into a place on Lancaster... not than any but one of you might know where that is. heh. Anywho, it's one of the main streets of Salem. It's a pretty good place, and pretty cheap, too. The only problem we [may] have, is that we have some folks living upstairs who are old and disabled... and don't like much noise. So, if we're going to have any parties or anything, they're going to need to be small. Not that I'm much of a party-goer... let alone a party-hoster... but I've considered it from time to time.
Anywho, I'll be offline for... well, however long it takes the cable company to get off their asses and hook me up. They can all be pretty lame about things like that around here. Seems like no one wants to do their jobs like they should be. Too lazy, this world... oh well. As I was saying... I'll be back online shortly.
Anywho, I'll be offline for... well, however long it takes the cable company to get off their asses and hook me up. They can all be pretty lame about things like that around here. Seems like no one wants to do their jobs like they should be. Too lazy, this world... oh well. As I was saying... I'll be back online shortly.