i dont know i dont have muhe to say at this time
so yes i love new hampshire sooo much
so monday is my last day in new jersey
so yes 13 more days and im out of nj for gooooooooooood

ok so i went and so my buds from bedlight for blueeyes evry one go see them there soooo good and get the cd also
i got new ink yayayayayayayay

so yes i got back from new hampsure not to long ago and wo it blows nj and i can say im moveing there
ok ppl you need to go to trustkill.com and look at my friends band there fucking amazing there name is bead light for blue eyes they will for fill your weat dreams and take look at purevolume.com for them trust me there soooooooo good
so ya its a wed and im bored as hell but it hapends i guess when it rains
you know the saying..when it rains stomp on a kittie.
cute profile pic.
cute profile pic.
so yes lase night at 12 im siting at my friends house and some guy hit my car in the drive way and my car is gon it cant be fixed at all my back rim is in my back set its o so wonderful
im off of work all week and i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that sucks man.