ummm... are you ok? that was intense to say the least. whatever it is that is causing all this hatred and anger, i hope it goes away, for your sake. please don't stop posting or commenting, because you are one of the only people who responds to me anymore.

p.s. try taking a walk with a big stick or a baseball bat and hit things as you pass by them, it may help. blush
Thank you, I am feeling much better today. blush
frown Poor guy. Hope you feel better. If I wasn't already your friend on sg, I'd send you a request. wink
Oh, and what's a Sig?
mmm I love Olive Garden. love
That sucks about the waitress. I've done that quite a few times, just blank out and act like an idiot. Oh, and what with our prescription crazed society, there probably is a pill that claims that.
hah if you tell her all that she won't run away screaming. honest. tongue

no seriously, though, what happened with the girl? wink
HAHa... that was a great journal. Very entertaining. wink biggrin Congrats on the test, and for chatting up the girl.
I too will be studying my ass off this week. Ask me why I never learn from my mistakes, and why I always screw around until it's time for finals, and then cram like crazy. Siiigh, I don't know. But anyway, this week will be my attempt to catch up. Let's see if it works. surreal

Enjoy your break! smile
thanks for the comment. blush
Oh, I'm so glad you're back, it wasn't the same without you! I, too, would like to thank Capital One. biggrin
Why's your credit so bad, anyway? If you don't mind me asking.
thanks for the compliment on my practice set smile
What a coincidence. I also have a Middle-Eastern friend who wears nothing but black and listens to death metal. But he's not bald. wink
I was just downtown with my friend Jordan recently laughing at all of the high school kids and saying "Remember when we were their age, and thought we were cool, and we totally weren't!" It's funny to look at those kids and realize why older people looked at us the way they did. Because we were assholes!
I was really impressed with LBC, this was my first time seeing them live. I need to run by The Den and see if I can pick up a cd of theirs.
I was just at McClafferty's a few days ago, my first time there. I was not impressed. biggrin whatever
I don't know how I became a beer drinker, I did not see that coming. I don't have a favorite drink. The long island iced teas at Gibbie's are really good though.
tongue smile
ooo good lyrics!

Yes, supposedly the curse has been lifted. We will have to wait and see what the fans come up with next though. I'm sure next season there will be something else. I love Boston fans. HAhaha. I still can't believe they ACTUALLY won. It's funny, you think that winning the World Series means that you are part of the best team in all of baseball. Obviously it does, but it is so much more than that too. Beating the Yankees and ending a streak of 86 years. Wow. Man, I wish I was home right now... surreal
good lyrics... what kind of music do they play?