Well, new profile picture. Once more, it reflects my mood. Can any of you guess what mood I'm in right now, by looking at that picture? Aside from that, I think it's pretty cool, what do you say Ash?
I tell you, people. I don't know if you all believe in destiny. But I sure do. And I believe that some people were meant to -be- a certain way and live their lives a certain way. It's hard, to be positive. And walk a narrow but just path.
Quite honeslty, once again, nice guys finish last. I try to be nice to people. Try to say and do nice things in their best interest. Put their needs and wants sometimes above my own. To have their survival exceed my own self-preservation. I tell myself never to be selfish. And for what? Where is the pay off? You just get shit on and spit on. People don't even really care. So why should I?
I can -feel- the rage and hatred sucking the warmth from my black heart. Drowning it in it's own blood. And that's when it freezes. Turning into a crimson glacier of ice. Cold. Desolate. Can't pump out the blood anymore. Just a frozen wasteland of corruption and pain. My mind though, overheats, and sets ablaze. My brain feels like it's frying with madness and fury. What could be said of this condition? That I am...''Hot headed, but walk with cold shoulders?''
What kind of anomaly am I? What breed of man am I? And will I ever unlock the enigma to my being and purpose? Will I even be able to save my own soul?
Yeah...Being nice gets you know where. You try helping people and what do you get in return? Nothing. Far as I'm concerned, most of the human race shouldn't be breathing the same air as me. Let them die. Let them burn. May they find the end of their path in The Devil's Abattoir. Filthy swine that they are. I -hate- this shroud of darkness that embodies my flesh, mind, heart and soul.
I try. I really do. Always searching within the endless night of my coffin. Searching for those traces of light. That ray of hope. Something, anything. Just a small sign to say that it's all worth it. That life is worth holding on to. That helping others hold on to theirs is right too.
*Laughs* You all must think I'm pretty psychotic. Well I'll have you all know, I've kept my sanity so far. That is usually the last thing to go. But when it does. There's no turning back from there. Who knows, we'll see right folks? Am I to be, -ill remembered- by those whom I've come in contact with? Will they lay curses upon my head like vengeful little swine? I don't know. Yeah...So anyways...yeah...new profile picture! Enjoy. And everyone have a great day.
I tell you, people. I don't know if you all believe in destiny. But I sure do. And I believe that some people were meant to -be- a certain way and live their lives a certain way. It's hard, to be positive. And walk a narrow but just path.
Quite honeslty, once again, nice guys finish last. I try to be nice to people. Try to say and do nice things in their best interest. Put their needs and wants sometimes above my own. To have their survival exceed my own self-preservation. I tell myself never to be selfish. And for what? Where is the pay off? You just get shit on and spit on. People don't even really care. So why should I?
I can -feel- the rage and hatred sucking the warmth from my black heart. Drowning it in it's own blood. And that's when it freezes. Turning into a crimson glacier of ice. Cold. Desolate. Can't pump out the blood anymore. Just a frozen wasteland of corruption and pain. My mind though, overheats, and sets ablaze. My brain feels like it's frying with madness and fury. What could be said of this condition? That I am...''Hot headed, but walk with cold shoulders?''
What kind of anomaly am I? What breed of man am I? And will I ever unlock the enigma to my being and purpose? Will I even be able to save my own soul?
Yeah...Being nice gets you know where. You try helping people and what do you get in return? Nothing. Far as I'm concerned, most of the human race shouldn't be breathing the same air as me. Let them die. Let them burn. May they find the end of their path in The Devil's Abattoir. Filthy swine that they are. I -hate- this shroud of darkness that embodies my flesh, mind, heart and soul.
I try. I really do. Always searching within the endless night of my coffin. Searching for those traces of light. That ray of hope. Something, anything. Just a small sign to say that it's all worth it. That life is worth holding on to. That helping others hold on to theirs is right too.
*Laughs* You all must think I'm pretty psychotic. Well I'll have you all know, I've kept my sanity so far. That is usually the last thing to go. But when it does. There's no turning back from there. Who knows, we'll see right folks? Am I to be, -ill remembered- by those whom I've come in contact with? Will they lay curses upon my head like vengeful little swine? I don't know. Yeah...So anyways...yeah...new profile picture! Enjoy. And everyone have a great day.
but thanks I want to put one it the works soon....
You are right. Nice guys finish last. I CONCUR !!!! We are overlooked and forgotten.
I do like the 'crimson glacier' line. Very good.