Tyranny, of the highest order. They know not my wrath is the supreme authority from wich all others are derived. Filthy, decadent slag pigs. The architecture of their ill fated destiny lies in the ruins of a butchers design. Swine in my slaughterhouse.
The stench of their corruption seethes through the pours of their rotting flesh. Invigorating the flames of my fury. My hatred that...
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The stench of their corruption seethes through the pours of their rotting flesh. Invigorating the flames of my fury. My hatred that...
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so sad that you are leaving 

A good friend of mine on my friends list who's also an SG, told me ''not to take this site too seriously''. A wise little woman she is(You know who you are lady) She couldn't be more right on the matter. Maybe I need to ''lighten up'' a bit. I mean, what's the point in getting all worked up over nothing? Now you all ask...
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dude... it would help if you had some pictures. and i read the comment you had for october. that in my opinion is a slightly creepy comment. it's too fucking intense dude! you're very eloquent, but it's way too goth depressive / obsessive.
you too!
May those who dwell silently in the night, call my name. So I may part the shadows and bring to life the very darkness that shrouds their lost souls. May I offer sancutary to those who are shunned and rebuked by society. By those who call themselves -Holy- and say that they're better. May our enemies bleed for us. May the very oceans of the...
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Very beautiful writing you have there. You had me hooked until the last sentence. The stolen lines from the Queen of the Damned movie. (Which by the way was a terrible disgrace of the book). But, I don't want to ramble on about that for hours, and I can!
Thanks for the encouraging words. You should keep writing, a book maybe. I'd be entranced by it.
Much Love,
Thanks for the encouraging words. You should keep writing, a book maybe. I'd be entranced by it.
Much Love,

thank you!
i try to keep myself that way.appetizing that is

For all of you on my friends list who like hardcore, here you go. Please check these guys out. They are my boys and the rock to the most ill wicked effect possible. If you don't know about -DKL- now you do...
Dry Kill Logic Or check them out here DKL-MySpace
Also, you all should go show some love to this exceptional hottie, who's name...
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Dry Kill Logic Or check them out here DKL-MySpace
Also, you all should go show some love to this exceptional hottie, who's name...
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thank you
*hugs* are you ok?

*hugs* are you ok?

i think your friend inkslut got the old heeve ho...
i do like hard core..i think i'm too old to keep up on all the new music out! i'll jus stick with Slayer!!!

i do like hard core..i think i'm too old to keep up on all the new music out! i'll jus stick with Slayer!!!

I told you mister, my current crush is my right hand. Best thing about loving your right hand as I do is, I don't have to talk to it, or wash its laundry, and it always makes me cum...
Them apples are tasting pretty sweet actually....
I don't really have anything interesting to say. Just dealing without a lot of real life stressors and turmoil that I probably wont be sharing right now. Perhaps later when and if this storm cloud blows over my head. For right now though, I'd like to give a few shout-outs to some of the people on my friends list. I can't name all of you...
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Aw, thanks! I hope we feel better soon too!

well i admire you telling her shes beautiful..she is....shes far above SG....Suicide Girls is fucking lame because its sapoused to be outside the "mainstream" when I beleave it is what the mainstream is tring to change into the "outside the mainstream" feel...who knows...I'm not happy with SG as much as i was...
I wish you'd made it dear, but it's quite alright that you had other plans

Now that sounds like a fine plan!

My membership is up next week. I was debating on renewing it. Luckily a good friend and also SG, talked me into it. So I should be around for another few months or so.
Not that it matters anyway. Just stating these facts because I've become rather disappointed in some aspects regarding the site. Though I will admit, it -is- addictive.
A lot of superficial...
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Not that it matters anyway. Just stating these facts because I've become rather disappointed in some aspects regarding the site. Though I will admit, it -is- addictive.
A lot of superficial...
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no time to enjoy anything. worked doubles all weekend. grrr.

er, workING.
I've just been debating, on whether or not to let you all see what I really look like. Then again, I don't want any of you to lose your lunch so forgive me if I'm not forthcoming with pictures.
you should NEVER be ashamed of the way you look. If everyone was ashamed of the way they looked then there would be so suicide girls. You know who your real friends are if certain ppl choose not to talk to you for stupid shallow reasons like "omg he's ugly". Who gives a fuck whos ugly and who's pretty.
Slaughter, stop being so damned sweet to me or my head's gonna get stuck in the doorway!!!!!
Ash is right by the way. I know it's virtually impossible but you should NEVER feel ashamed of the way you look. I think it's total crap that our ideals of beauty are so skewed by loathsome old money-grabbing fat-cats. The media has a fuck of a lot to answer for. It's really sad that our value as individuals in so often judged by the way we look. Grrrr.
Take care

Ash is right by the way. I know it's virtually impossible but you should NEVER feel ashamed of the way you look. I think it's total crap that our ideals of beauty are so skewed by loathsome old money-grabbing fat-cats. The media has a fuck of a lot to answer for. It's really sad that our value as individuals in so often judged by the way we look. Grrrr.