Unfortunately Its 3:00pm and I have to get back to school so I can't write this as in depth as I was hoping to but oh well...
Today was looking like it was gonna suck(like most tuesdays) and I was terrified to come to class as usual.
But It ended being alright actually...Somehow....!?!?
I really don't get it but whatever. He didn't give out to much new work, I actually understood it, and when I left the class I felt.....joyous. It was odd. I had nothing to prompt it I just sort of was happy. And hyper.
I just felt the rumble in my tummy of excitement, and I started to smile. I only wish I had had a place to channel my energy. I was feeling so much of it build up I just wanted to bounce! And jump and fly and flip and run and Dance. So I did.
All the way home.
I walked into one of the labs and I just stood there...thinking and bouncing. Then I said:" I wanna do something outside..." so I walked up to the door and drop kicked it! I fell on my back but it didn't hurt. It was funny because it was so stupid. The guy working at the nearby computer was like:" Hey what the hell are you doing?" "Did you slam into the door or something!?" "You have to use a Doorknob to open those buddy." I just laughed and walked away. I really wanna savor the feeling while it lasts....
Unfortunately Its 3:00pm and I have to get back to school so I can't write this as in depth as I was hoping to but oh well...
Today was looking like it was gonna suck(like most tuesdays) and I was terrified to come to class as usual.
But It ended being alright actually...Somehow....!?!?
I really don't get it but whatever. He didn't give out to much new work, I actually understood it, and when I left the class I felt.....joyous. It was odd. I had nothing to prompt it I just sort of was happy. And hyper.

I just felt the rumble in my tummy of excitement, and I started to smile. I only wish I had had a place to channel my energy. I was feeling so much of it build up I just wanted to bounce! And jump and fly and flip and run and Dance. So I did.

I walked into one of the labs and I just stood there...thinking and bouncing. Then I said:" I wanna do something outside..." so I walked up to the door and drop kicked it! I fell on my back but it didn't hurt. It was funny because it was so stupid. The guy working at the nearby computer was like:" Hey what the hell are you doing?" "Did you slam into the door or something!?" "You have to use a Doorknob to open those buddy." I just laughed and walked away. I really wanna savor the feeling while it lasts....

What is this "Burg" you speak of? I'm going to ITT for CNS, what are you studing?
well thank you!