Im like Robin Hood, only lamer, and less gay.
I totally swiped a bunch of leftover bread from work the other day, bread we are banned from taking home. however, I pulled a clever heist (waited 'til my manager left the room and stuffed a bunch into my bag) and managed to get it to Fish Emergency Food Program.
Haha evil selfish restaurant owners! Your diabolical bourgeoisie protocol is no match from my rougish altruism!
Ok, so it's not that big of a deal. But it does make feel less guilty for working in that restaurant.
I totally swiped a bunch of leftover bread from work the other day, bread we are banned from taking home. however, I pulled a clever heist (waited 'til my manager left the room and stuffed a bunch into my bag) and managed to get it to Fish Emergency Food Program.
Haha evil selfish restaurant owners! Your diabolical bourgeoisie protocol is no match from my rougish altruism!
Ok, so it's not that big of a deal. But it does make feel less guilty for working in that restaurant.
p.s. the obsession has to stop! you know what i mean