Various things happening this last week or so. Made some decisions. Did some thinking. A few annoying events occurred which set things back quite a bit.
So a while back my older brother borrowed $2300 (2.3k) to help buy a car that he'd had his eyes on. It was supposed to be paid back in full by eary July at the latest, but so far nothing. Okay. So last Thursday him and his fiance took off on a roadtrip to Las Vegas, where the plan was to get married and then generally have a wild time there. Now, some of you, those like myself who can't stand the idea of being beholden to others and who have at least a decent sense of propriety and courtesy might be thinking that hey, if he's got the money for a roadtrip and then weekend in Vegas, how come he didn't at least use some of that to pay back the money he borrowed, RIGHT?! But anyways... Okay, so they head out, driving through Cali and stopping at night and staying in hotels, which I think is stupid but whatever. I mean, you've got two drivers, why not just switch off and let the off person sleep then? Thats how I always preffered to do things. Saves time, and a lot of money on hotels, etc.
Now, turns out that the car's "check engine" light had been on for at least a couple of WEEKS (!!!) before they left on this trip. Try to follow me here, people. My brother took a car that he knew had something wrong with its engine on a roadtrip of a couple of thousand miles in the middle of summer through Southern California (and would have then gone through the desserts of Nevada) without first even so much as taking it in for a diagnostic. Buh. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. So they make it as far as Los Angeles, and then the car just says the hell with this, and kills itself. Dead. Blown engine. Completely fragged.
Ugh. I have to wrap this up, cause even just writing about it is giving me a tic. So. He calls. Car is dead. He needs to borrow money so he can tow it home. $1400! Fourteen hundred dollars for a truck and a trailer so he could tow his stupid frikkin car home from Los Angeles! RARGH! WTF?!?!!1111one!!11eleven. $3700 he owes now, and no job, nothing, so yeah. Not going to be seeing that money any time soon. It... you know, it makes me angry. I mean, and then he tries to argue and get all uppity, because he honestly feels that he shouldn't have to pay back the $2300 for the car because it broke down. Can you believe that?! Does this make sense to ANYONE?! It's like, am I taking crazy pills? Hello?
$3700!!! GUESS I DON'T GET A VACATION THIS YEAR, YOU FUCKER! Sometimes I wish my dad hadn't kept drilling that whole shtick about helping your family when they need you.
Bah. So here's another pic of me and the guys from Fox 2-81 AR CO on the day we were shipping home.

So a while back my older brother borrowed $2300 (2.3k) to help buy a car that he'd had his eyes on. It was supposed to be paid back in full by eary July at the latest, but so far nothing. Okay. So last Thursday him and his fiance took off on a roadtrip to Las Vegas, where the plan was to get married and then generally have a wild time there. Now, some of you, those like myself who can't stand the idea of being beholden to others and who have at least a decent sense of propriety and courtesy might be thinking that hey, if he's got the money for a roadtrip and then weekend in Vegas, how come he didn't at least use some of that to pay back the money he borrowed, RIGHT?! But anyways... Okay, so they head out, driving through Cali and stopping at night and staying in hotels, which I think is stupid but whatever. I mean, you've got two drivers, why not just switch off and let the off person sleep then? Thats how I always preffered to do things. Saves time, and a lot of money on hotels, etc.
Now, turns out that the car's "check engine" light had been on for at least a couple of WEEKS (!!!) before they left on this trip. Try to follow me here, people. My brother took a car that he knew had something wrong with its engine on a roadtrip of a couple of thousand miles in the middle of summer through Southern California (and would have then gone through the desserts of Nevada) without first even so much as taking it in for a diagnostic. Buh. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. So they make it as far as Los Angeles, and then the car just says the hell with this, and kills itself. Dead. Blown engine. Completely fragged.
Ugh. I have to wrap this up, cause even just writing about it is giving me a tic. So. He calls. Car is dead. He needs to borrow money so he can tow it home. $1400! Fourteen hundred dollars for a truck and a trailer so he could tow his stupid frikkin car home from Los Angeles! RARGH! WTF?!?!!1111one!!11eleven. $3700 he owes now, and no job, nothing, so yeah. Not going to be seeing that money any time soon. It... you know, it makes me angry. I mean, and then he tries to argue and get all uppity, because he honestly feels that he shouldn't have to pay back the $2300 for the car because it broke down. Can you believe that?! Does this make sense to ANYONE?! It's like, am I taking crazy pills? Hello?
$3700!!! GUESS I DON'T GET A VACATION THIS YEAR, YOU FUCKER! Sometimes I wish my dad hadn't kept drilling that whole shtick about helping your family when they need you.
Bah. So here's another pic of me and the guys from Fox 2-81 AR CO on the day we were shipping home.