So there's been this girl who's been extremely mean to me for a couple years now, and to be honest it pissed me off immensely. Well I just heard today that she got arrested for not paying child support. Her husband doesn't work and keeps her kids and she couldn't afford the child support...
Like, that sucks. I mean, don't get me wrong part of me was thinking she might deserve it, but I can't imagine going to jail for not having enough money to pay child support... Idk I just feel really bad for her. Maybe I shouldn't, I don't know the whole situation. I guess I'm just super empathetic to people's situations...
@skullycaliber I, personally, don't have compassion for people who don't pay their child support. I am divorced with 2 sons who are now passed child support age. I missed my child support one time, because I was in the hospital with a broken back. My ex-wife actually filed a court motion against me for non-payment of child support and, I had to go to court to get that all cleared up. A person who doesn't pay their child support gets several opportunities to make things right before they end up going to prison. She actually chose to not help support her own children and she got what she deserved. You are a very sweet person to have compassion for her, especially after she was mean to you for an extended period of time. That shows that you have a kind, loving heart which is my favorite part of this whole story!! All My Love!!!
It's hard sometimes to read a person until the light of day shines on a few things