I Am PLEASE and PROUD to announce i have a new member in my family 
feast your eyes on this fierce beast!

His name is Gir
here's how i met my little man::
its already cold as hell here in chicago and it was pouring rain and gusty today.
i was cleaning up at work in the back when i heard the bell ring and someone come in. Sagar our vet assistant was already up there. I heard a few muffled words and then a "hang on". Sagar came back with a worried look on his face "jenn umm can you come look at this?"
"sure" i replied shrugging i followed the young teen up to the front. my eyes lit up. in this mans arms was a tiny little grey kitten. "oh my god she's gorgeous!" i gawked reaching out for her.
"do you accept random strays?" the man asked, i shook my head "normally no, but god its cold out, give her to me, i'll take her and foster her." the man reluctantly handed the mewing kitten over. as i raised her high above my head i laughed "she is a he" the man chuckled. i asked him if he wanted us to take care of the kitten and he come back and take him home. he replied no that he already had 3 cats and on top of it he was allergic. WHAT A NOBLE HUMAN! *applauds*
so we take this darling baby boy in back and find out. he has fleas. he has an upper respiratory infection. he's RIDDEN with worms. and he's skinny. so i fed that little shit haha and we de-wormed him and put frontline on him. i said i was going to take him home to foster him. but in the slim hour he sat in that cage at the vet we fell more and more in love. he'd mew and other would go to the cage and he'd cry louder and when i showed up he'd purr. we drew some blood and he IS negative for FIV. THANK GOD!!
so now here i sit with stinkeh. screaming as fleas jump off my little mister. i'm getting flea spray from work tomorrow and BOMBING this place to hell! he'll be clean by then. he's on oral anti biotics for his upper resp and i'll be giving him clavamox drops twice a day. he'll be able to socialize with my other cats in 10 days. oh boy keeping them out of my room for 10 days will be HARD!
he's snuggled up sleeping right now. man i have 6 baybesh now xD
i AM the crazy cat lady. but i love animals more than humans and i couldnt say no to this little romeo.
plus i only have one other boy kitty. i needed another. too many females lol Hobbes thinks he IS a female
this is Hobbes:

and thats my exciting news for today!!!!

feast your eyes on this fierce beast!

His name is Gir

its already cold as hell here in chicago and it was pouring rain and gusty today.
i was cleaning up at work in the back when i heard the bell ring and someone come in. Sagar our vet assistant was already up there. I heard a few muffled words and then a "hang on". Sagar came back with a worried look on his face "jenn umm can you come look at this?"
"sure" i replied shrugging i followed the young teen up to the front. my eyes lit up. in this mans arms was a tiny little grey kitten. "oh my god she's gorgeous!" i gawked reaching out for her.
"do you accept random strays?" the man asked, i shook my head "normally no, but god its cold out, give her to me, i'll take her and foster her." the man reluctantly handed the mewing kitten over. as i raised her high above my head i laughed "she is a he" the man chuckled. i asked him if he wanted us to take care of the kitten and he come back and take him home. he replied no that he already had 3 cats and on top of it he was allergic. WHAT A NOBLE HUMAN! *applauds*
so we take this darling baby boy in back and find out. he has fleas. he has an upper respiratory infection. he's RIDDEN with worms. and he's skinny. so i fed that little shit haha and we de-wormed him and put frontline on him. i said i was going to take him home to foster him. but in the slim hour he sat in that cage at the vet we fell more and more in love. he'd mew and other would go to the cage and he'd cry louder and when i showed up he'd purr. we drew some blood and he IS negative for FIV. THANK GOD!!
so now here i sit with stinkeh. screaming as fleas jump off my little mister. i'm getting flea spray from work tomorrow and BOMBING this place to hell! he'll be clean by then. he's on oral anti biotics for his upper resp and i'll be giving him clavamox drops twice a day. he'll be able to socialize with my other cats in 10 days. oh boy keeping them out of my room for 10 days will be HARD!
he's snuggled up sleeping right now. man i have 6 baybesh now xD
i AM the crazy cat lady. but i love animals more than humans and i couldnt say no to this little romeo.
plus i only have one other boy kitty. i needed another. too many females lol Hobbes thinks he IS a female
this is Hobbes:

and thats my exciting news for today!!!!
omg just adorable
Two of my friends' wives are "threatening" to acquire me two more kittens for my duration in the UK. While I don't dislike that situation, what do I do when I have to leave here?