Dammit, I can't believe only relethed seemed to get what I was saying about buying crap and its relationship to peoples's irrationality. All I'm saying is: isn't it funny that you can't ever say the maximum you're willing to pay for something? Especially since there has to be a maximum? Okay, that is all.
We're watching a documentary on HBO about 13 year-olds. Isn't that the absolute worst age? You remember how cruel kids were in Junior High? That's not just your emotions amplifying the memory. They really were awful awful people. In this documentary, there was this group of kids talking about one other:
"He dresses weird. The rest of us wear, like, Abercrombie and Fitch."
"He always smells. I think before he comes to school he jumps around in a pile of manure-- I dunno, maybe that's how he showers."
"He's ugly. He's just so ugly."
The idle malice of adolescents. Why are people surprised when school massacres occur?
Were you a treader or the under-trodden in Jr. High and High School? I won't think less of of you if you were a treader; VSLF was. For fun light reading on the subject, see Pathetic Geek Stories at the Onion AV Club.
Speaking of things that make me angry (which, let me reassure you, there aren't that many), has everyone seen the poster for this new movie, What A Girl Wants? I look at it and I see Beautiful and free-spirited American shakes the dust off of stuffy, set-in-their-ways English snobs. As if the subjects of the United Kingdom don't have enough reasons to hate this country.
I felt better yesterday. (In my last journal I said I felt sluggish and uninterested.) You know what I think it is? It's all about the coffee. Swear to god. When I get up and have breakfast with the VSLF, we usually share a pot of really strong coffee. I have become so addicted to it that I suffer symptoms of depression if I don't have any. Maybe it's placebo, I don't know. But I'm going to keep drinking it. In fact, I just had a cup right now! WOOT!
I made a website design in my spare time yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with it; it's geared towards photography, but really it could be used for anything. You need a website? You use this design, I'll set it up for you for free. (There will be server & domain name costs, though) To expand my meager portfolio, as it were.
We're watching a documentary on HBO about 13 year-olds. Isn't that the absolute worst age? You remember how cruel kids were in Junior High? That's not just your emotions amplifying the memory. They really were awful awful people. In this documentary, there was this group of kids talking about one other:
"He dresses weird. The rest of us wear, like, Abercrombie and Fitch."
"He always smells. I think before he comes to school he jumps around in a pile of manure-- I dunno, maybe that's how he showers."
"He's ugly. He's just so ugly."
The idle malice of adolescents. Why are people surprised when school massacres occur?
Were you a treader or the under-trodden in Jr. High and High School? I won't think less of of you if you were a treader; VSLF was. For fun light reading on the subject, see Pathetic Geek Stories at the Onion AV Club.
Speaking of things that make me angry (which, let me reassure you, there aren't that many), has everyone seen the poster for this new movie, What A Girl Wants? I look at it and I see Beautiful and free-spirited American shakes the dust off of stuffy, set-in-their-ways English snobs. As if the subjects of the United Kingdom don't have enough reasons to hate this country.
I felt better yesterday. (In my last journal I said I felt sluggish and uninterested.) You know what I think it is? It's all about the coffee. Swear to god. When I get up and have breakfast with the VSLF, we usually share a pot of really strong coffee. I have become so addicted to it that I suffer symptoms of depression if I don't have any. Maybe it's placebo, I don't know. But I'm going to keep drinking it. In fact, I just had a cup right now! WOOT!
I made a website design in my spare time yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with it; it's geared towards photography, but really it could be used for anything. You need a website? You use this design, I'll set it up for you for free. (There will be server & domain name costs, though) To expand my meager portfolio, as it were.
why do you suppose i've been giving out free beer, letely? it's my social experiment in rendering the older folks childlike...because i miss playing ghostbusters!!!!