Dear webmasters of,
The next time I am without any form of Internet access for a week or longer, voluntarily or otherwise, I would appreciate it if you would at least reduce the rate at which you update your photoshoots, if not cease them entirely until I give notice of my return. My sperm count, though legendary, is not infinite, and playing catch-up to such a plethora of magnificent eye porn candy is proving arduous to say the least.
In all seriousness though, here's an update: I moved into my own lovely one-bedroom apartment last June. Been working at the library for 10 years now. Just got heavy into the kink scene. Even more recently went in for voluntary hospitalization at a local psychiatric ward where I met some utterly amazing people that I'm still in contact with and discovered that I have the best diagnosis imaginable: bipolar without the depressive part. That basically means I'm manic all the time. I get the high energy, productivity, creativity, charisma, sex-drive, stamina, etc. without the crashes, and now that I have some amazing meds to keep that under control that will also help me lose even more weight. I can safely say that life is good and looking to stay that way.
So yeah. Cranberries.
The next time I am without any form of Internet access for a week or longer, voluntarily or otherwise, I would appreciate it if you would at least reduce the rate at which you update your photoshoots, if not cease them entirely until I give notice of my return. My sperm count, though legendary, is not infinite, and playing catch-up to such a plethora of magnificent eye porn candy is proving arduous to say the least.
In all seriousness though, here's an update: I moved into my own lovely one-bedroom apartment last June. Been working at the library for 10 years now. Just got heavy into the kink scene. Even more recently went in for voluntary hospitalization at a local psychiatric ward where I met some utterly amazing people that I'm still in contact with and discovered that I have the best diagnosis imaginable: bipolar without the depressive part. That basically means I'm manic all the time. I get the high energy, productivity, creativity, charisma, sex-drive, stamina, etc. without the crashes, and now that I have some amazing meds to keep that under control that will also help me lose even more weight. I can safely say that life is good and looking to stay that way.
So yeah. Cranberries.