I was chatting with rainstar last night and I sum'd up my last relashonship in three sentences
He Beat My Dog
He Fucked My Best Friend
He Broke My Bong
Oh it makes me laugh so hard!!!
The English Arrive Tomorrow!!!!
He Beat My Dog
He Fucked My Best Friend
He Broke My Bong
Oh it makes me laugh so hard!!!
The English Arrive Tomorrow!!!!

See woman....what you need to do one of these days...is actually find someone who would only love on the Reuben...who would never dream of fucking your best friend..and someone who might actually think about buying you a bong rather than breaking yours...

reading back journal entries as i didnt have a computer for a couple weeks. for some reason i love reading those 20 things entries. i hope all is well, sounds like you have the makings of a great country song there. beat my dog, banged my friend and broke my bong. i smell a hit.