So my co-worker/office mates new addiction (besides the constant bitching) is the Rock star INXS album from the T.V show. I really need to learn to like confrontation in the work place. Instead I send out mass emails to the rest of the company about my tourcher and they all laugh yet I still remain in this office. I just dont get it.
I saw a man fall of the stationery bike at the gym today. I tried so hard not to laugh while my physical therapist was out loud cracking up though he did go over and help the man. I guess he said he fell asleep? That is something I have never accomplished, Ive passed out, but never fallen asleep.
Im currently addicted to Funions like the proper stoner I am.
My brothers father gave him tickets to Moody Blues concert that he couldnt use and sometime in a drunken stupor I agreed to go. I dont have any clue who or what this group is but I think Im in for a long night at the Paramount.
Delivered 4 Pug Puppies on Sunday and they are doing well and only one died which is great for a first litter. Im going to go see the little aliens on my way home tonight.
Oh gawd one of the contestants is singing, nothing really matters by Queen now. I must get out of here.
I saw a man fall of the stationery bike at the gym today. I tried so hard not to laugh while my physical therapist was out loud cracking up though he did go over and help the man. I guess he said he fell asleep? That is something I have never accomplished, Ive passed out, but never fallen asleep.
Im currently addicted to Funions like the proper stoner I am.
My brothers father gave him tickets to Moody Blues concert that he couldnt use and sometime in a drunken stupor I agreed to go. I dont have any clue who or what this group is but I think Im in for a long night at the Paramount.
Delivered 4 Pug Puppies on Sunday and they are doing well and only one died which is great for a first litter. Im going to go see the little aliens on my way home tonight.
Oh gawd one of the contestants is singing, nothing really matters by Queen now. I must get out of here.
attention whore
Believe me, I am. But it's (my) Friday, thank god. Now go estimate me something.