Hole crap, this photography thing is starting to take off, sort of.

Since a photo shoot a couple of weeks ago (my first in like 20 years), I have had 2 more models contact me out of the blue to do shoots with them!!

I'm all a tingle.
Now I just need better equipment.
And talent.
Hey all, there is a new community at livejournal you should check out. It's called Sexualityandu.

It's the place for positive discussions on all types of sexuality.

If you are a member of LJ, why not check it out.

And if you are not a member. Why not join.
Happy Ho Ho everyone.

I plan to do something different this year for Christmas.

If all goes to plan, when most eneryone in the city is slowly getting out of bed to open presents, I will be taking photos of the other side of Christmas. I am hoping to get some photos of the street people for whom Christmas is just another day.

If I...
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Just finished working 27....yes 27 days in a row, and I still have to go out to the Wilderness centre to deal with a rookie patroller for a couple of hours. Then I get the rest of my day off to clean my flat.

Another week then maybe 3 days off. Maybe if all the planets align properly.

Gotta love the new economy eh?

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Why not?
Don't know, not pretty enough maybe wink
Cross posted to Livejournal

Racism and being a nut job are not exclusively the domain of "white" people.

It's hard to believe that people in this day and age are still so full of hatred for some perceived injustice, that they would advocate exterminating people.

And here I thought that these kind of attitudes were reserved for members of the KKK and skinheads. unfortunately I...
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Its about time that we finally get Adobe Flash 9 for Linux


Take that Microsoft!

A-fucking-greed. I'm tired of having to use Dave's laptop when I want to do schoolwork at his house.
re: lucha comment in the creepy cafe set:

because he was there, tattooed and willing to wear the lucha mask i had in my location box.


Got all the first year ski patrollers through their CPR training on Saturday, then had to do chair lift evac training at 8:00 in the fucking am on Sunday morning.

Too damn early to get up and sit in the cold and the rain for 2 and a half hours without a coffee!

It's snowing outside right now. I should be happy about it, but...
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Hey, you exist! Huzzah!
Where did all of my old posts go? mad
Just had my crown put in, fuck I can't believe the pain once the freezing wore off.

The dentist said that the cement holding the crown on would irritate it. Yes the word he used is "irritate".

Not mind numbing pain. On the pain scale, I would give it a 27. Too bad the scale only goes up to ten.

Oh well, drugs make everything...
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