Well, as Dead_Ringer so kindly pointed out, I have been seriously neglecting my journal over the past month. Let's try to correct that omission:
Well, it looks like I really did jinx the offer in Boston. Initially, I had dueling interviews with the same company, one in Beantown, the other in Columbia, SC. Within the space of a week, both vacancies evaporated.
The one up north was to replace someone transferring to another hospital. His target decided that they wouldn't renew their contract if they couldn't keep the guy he was replacing. Which means he's not moving. Which means I'm not replacing him.
The position in SC was to fill a new contract. The contract fell through, so no position. Damn.
So, in the last month:
I've helped my sister and brother-in-law pack up their house and move from Orlando to Tallahassee - then unload there.
BTW, my brother-in-law is a maniac behind the wheel of a U-Haul, who has apparently no idea of how to keep a caravan together on the highway.
Once there: plumbing repair, furniture moving and assembly, satellite TV/surroud sound setup, carpet removal, etc.
I've helped my niece and nephew do the same, as well as to repair their house in preparation to selling it. Let's see, that's 2 new doorknobs, a shower head, 4 towel bars, a screen door closer, a light fixture and dimmer switch, toilet seat and flush handle replacement, tree limb removal, brush clearing, microwave oven repair, attick cleaning (God, I hate rats!!), and I forget the rest.
Oh yeah, and for my parents: UPS hookup/troubleshooting and sofware modification, various other computer troubleshooting, carpet cleaner repair, and other mr. fixit stuff.
God I'm pooped!
And on top of all this, I've had to deal with dial-up, since I haven't been at home. So I've really fallen behind on the boards.
Now if only I could finally get a real job and stop all this fucking work!
Well, it looks like I really did jinx the offer in Boston. Initially, I had dueling interviews with the same company, one in Beantown, the other in Columbia, SC. Within the space of a week, both vacancies evaporated.
The one up north was to replace someone transferring to another hospital. His target decided that they wouldn't renew their contract if they couldn't keep the guy he was replacing. Which means he's not moving. Which means I'm not replacing him.
The position in SC was to fill a new contract. The contract fell through, so no position. Damn.

So, in the last month:
I've helped my sister and brother-in-law pack up their house and move from Orlando to Tallahassee - then unload there.
BTW, my brother-in-law is a maniac behind the wheel of a U-Haul, who has apparently no idea of how to keep a caravan together on the highway.
Once there: plumbing repair, furniture moving and assembly, satellite TV/surroud sound setup, carpet removal, etc.
I've helped my niece and nephew do the same, as well as to repair their house in preparation to selling it. Let's see, that's 2 new doorknobs, a shower head, 4 towel bars, a screen door closer, a light fixture and dimmer switch, toilet seat and flush handle replacement, tree limb removal, brush clearing, microwave oven repair, attick cleaning (God, I hate rats!!), and I forget the rest.
Oh yeah, and for my parents: UPS hookup/troubleshooting and sofware modification, various other computer troubleshooting, carpet cleaner repair, and other mr. fixit stuff.
God I'm pooped!
And on top of all this, I've had to deal with dial-up, since I haven't been at home. So I've really fallen behind on the boards.
Now if only I could finally get a real job and stop all this fucking work!
I haven't read all these referenced topics, but take a look