Okay so here's a blog on advice and opinions : I want to hear it SG Land !!!!

Back Story :
So I write a lot of blogs about my Friends, who for some reason just Are not that in to me. Inless they need help with a problem. but when I need someone to talk to they ignore it or tell me they are busy

Theirs one friend that really bothers me that he does this we will call him J, J always talks to me he's always having some thing going on. J and I also talk about other things and I call him Cunt and he calls me Penis but when it comes to my problems he won't hear them. He also won't hang out with me in less I see him out. Two times that we did hang out it was bc he wanted to talk about a problem he was having. and it was a half hour convo and he booked after his drink... and left me sitting at the bar like a idiot.
14 DAYS ago I got so fed up I snapped out on him ( by email) and he said he does it like when I'm angry, I told him that him and i have to have a face to face convo, bc I deserve that and I needed to lay things out on the table about how friendships are. He agreed and he told me we can meet up. I don't drive and so I have to wait when he's free ten days went by and I asked him again if we were going to talk.... J was like "it's been ten days wow it must be important" by then I got so sick of it all I told him I didn't care anymore and not to worry about it but I also told him to take care and I can't be in a onesided friendship anymore. I didn't hear from him and I didn't get incontact w/him. The day after that, which was Friday he contacted me and said that he didn't want anything to come between our friendship and he would love to meet up with me this week for drinks so we could talk.

I was shocked and surprised , by this and agreed, I told him the days I was available and he replied maybe Sunday will work.
It's sunday folks and yes it's 5 pm but I have it heard anything at all, well I got a email from him to tell me something about a problem but that's it!!!! I'm getting mad now. I shouldn't have to remind him what he said. Also I know he said maybe but does that not mean he should tell me either way! and he's going out to dinner with mutual friends !!!! Where the hell do I fit in this,
so I want to hear what should I do?
trim the fat.
what jim_losangeles said.