leaves in my hair
As a child I hated raking up the leaves in our yard. It was time consuming and really boring work, and plus I always got these weird blusters on my hands that I would pick at in till I broke them open, with my teeth or nails, which is a really gross habit.
I always cursed my mother when she made me do it and she would resort back to me that she had to do it as a child then I had to do it!! My mother said this a lot to me growing up. When it came to food my mother would feed us the really gross things not because it was good for us but because she was forced to eat it. To this day I can't chew down a lima bean because of her.
Today I found myself in a giant pile of leaves, laughing and wrestling the kiddies in it. I had a lot of fun. More fun then when I was a child. I'm still picking leaves out of my hair.
I've been reliving my childhood lately or simply acting childlike, yesterday I want grocery shopping with a friend and I raced threw the parking lot standing on my cart with my arms spread out laughing. I felt free, I felt like my old self.
I'm dating , yes I"m dating and I"m dating a couple people, I'm not sleeping with these people, I'm keeping my legs close in till I'm in a serious relationship. sorry dudes I'm worth something!!!
I like my job folks it does annoy me but I love the people their and working.
I'm working on myself, and I've been so busy that's why I have it been writing a lot. I'm still a drunk, I still deal with madness but it's me and I'm learning to love me!
The thing that I've always enjoyed most about nearly all of the jobs I've had has been the people. I'm still friends with many of them. I'm really glad to hear that you are dating, and pleased that you seem to have found some guys who appreciate and respect you. You are definitely worth a great deal. Take good care of yourself.
All the best...