By Miss Kika

by Tara McPherson
Here's some artwork , hope you like it.
1.Ego is your false self.
Your true self is eternal. It is the force within you that provides the energy for you to roam around in the clothes you call your body- a Quiet, empty space surrounded by form.Believing you are only the physical self, the body enclosing the energy is a false belief.
You needn't repudiate the ego when you recognize it as a false self. What you are really recognizing is the ego as an idea of the self that is inconsistent with your true,sacred identity.
We are more used to thinking we are a body with a soul than we are to realizing that we are a soul with a body. Viewing yourself in the way of the ego- with the emphasis on you as a physical being - is a form of amnesia, which is cured when you recognize who you truly are.
Tagore touches on the falsity of the ego in this telling passage:
He whom I enclose with my name is weeping in this dungeon. I am ever busy building this wall all around;l and as this wall goes up into the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in it's dark shadow. I take pride in this great wall, and I plaster it with dust and sand lest a least hole should be left on this name , and for all the care I take I lose sight of my true being.
The wall is the ego that we construct. It imprisons us in a dungeon of frustration. Notice that Tagore uses " true being " to describe that which the ego shields from his awareness. The Ego is the opposite of that true being. It is the false being- only an idea about the true being.
This idea has been with us ever since we began to think. It sends us false messages about our true essence. When we listen to it we end up in darkness. We make up assumptions about what will make us happy and we end up frustrated. We push to promote our self-importance as we yearn for a deeper and richer life experience. We fall into the void of self-absorption repeatedly, not knowing that we need only shed the false idea of who we are.
Yesterday my head hurt after camping with 6 screaming crazy girls, my daughter was one of them. It sucked They didn't listen and they were cracked out on sugar. They finally went to bed at 2 am and awoke at 7 am... I'm glad it's over....
Thanks for the art and the deep thoughts.
I hope that your headache gets better.