2011 is nearly over!
So much has happened this year, good and bad.
Between the last 3 or 4 digital paintings, I feel like so many huge missing pieces have fallen into place for me with regards to digital painting/drawing in general. Things that everybody states and restates but until you really put in the time to make it click for yourself, you just don't quite "get."
I'm starting to really see the things I look at as an arrangement of shapes and values. The more I paint the more the world around me begins to appear as just a complex arrangement of shapes, positive and negative spaces, values, and tones. And i'm starting to understand how to break things down into a manageable process that leads towards a more fully realized piece. I used to try so hard to get to the finish line before ever putting in the miles it takes to get there. Getting frustrated that what I was pushing around on the canvas wasn't resembling what I wanted quickly enough and walking away from it discouraged. Haha, man that was misguided.
It's amazing to watch your understanding grow slowly but surely over time until BAM... suddenly several concepts you've struggled with for so long become clear all at once. Like someone removed the veil that kept you from seeing it.
2011 was a crazy year.
A lot of growth went down.
- Slow down.
- Take your time.
- Get the big picture first.
- Lay in the big shapes and general proportions.
- Don't worry about step 10 when you should be focused on step 2.
- Flip the canvas.
- Look for contrast in edges, values, shapes, colors, everything.
- Rendering is just icing on the cake, the big battles of your image are won early on in those general shapes and proportions.
- Walk away for a bit then come back with fresh eyes.
- Loosen the hell up.
- Have fun!
- A critical eye is healthy, until you're picking apart what you do so much that you cease to enjoy it.
- Remember why you got into all this in the first place!
In the words of an Artist that I admire:
"For better or worse, 2011 has come and gone. Learn what you can from the bad and treasure in your memory the good, but lets not dwell too long, 2012 is upon us. Now is the time when the canvas is a blank slate.
If you've been stalling on your dreams, this is the year to make them happen. If you haven't been pushing your limits to grow, make a pact with yourself to do so. If you're already doing that, keep going, keep your eyes on the prize and ignore distractions.
Make this coming year, a year to be marked with personal achievement, growth and self discovery. Make it a year you will look back on and think to yourself "I did good"." - Darren Yeow
Can't wait for 2012!
(I haven't forgotten that design Idumea! I just haven't managed anything worth sharing just yet)
Fingathing, "You Fly Me"
"Beachy Head" (Bonobo Mix)
I'm seriously looking forward to 2012. I have a lot of plans in the works.